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Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 201: To See Clearly or Not
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Chapter 201: To See Clearly or Not

Luo Jing Ying, this time, thoroughly stupefied. Her mind, for a very long period of time, was just blank. She wasn’t able to return to her senses, and didn’t get up either. The people serving her also just coldly watched from the sidelines. Never mind going forward to help her, they even moved back a little. Who couldn’t tell, this Concubine Ying already lost favor. Regardless whether it was those that were sent to serve her in the beginning, or those transferred over after having signs of pregnancy, they actually were all unable to stand her bad temper. When wangye was present, she was rather lovable and delicate, but when wangye wasn’t present, she was just arrogant and domineering, not having anyone taken seriously.

And towards the people by her side, she was also exceptionally cruel. Although when it comes to bestowing rewards, she was rather generous, the gold and silver ornaments freely scattering as if it didn’t cost anything at all. Unfortunately, the target was just those two three little cats. It was very obvious, these people merely just had the sweetest mouth, and knew how to flatter her best.

Precisely the so called ‘do not worry about scarcity, but rather about uneven distribution’. Very few people were flowing in riches, while the majority just watched helplessly with nothing. As such, just basing on one’s preference, how was one able to win people’s hearts?

The sharp pain from the stomach made Luo Jing Ying return to her sense, holding her stomach, shouting in pain. However, no one paid her any attention still. This trick has already been played multiple times already. When she was favored, they were still willing to revolve around her, but now, hehheh………

However, seeing that there was indeed something wrong with her complexion, two mama glanced at one another, “Quickly have Concubine Ying helped up.” As saying this, they went forward to take her pulse. This time, they were alarmed, “Quickly call the manor doctor.”

This time the servants really were a bit flustered. Even if Concubine Ying wasn’t favored, she was still pregnant with a child. Under the circumstances of wangye not having an heir, this child was very precious. Stepping on a concubine that lost favor wasn’t a problem, but stepping on an unfavored by pregnant concubine was a big problem. If by chance something were to happen to the child, the one to suffer will definitely be them.

Luo Jing Ying was helped up, sent back into the inner room, and placed onto the bed. Afterwards, they discovered that bloodstains have appeared on her dressed. Seeing this situation, not a single one didn’t have their heart’s racing violently, hurriedly going to inform. The manor doctor came quickly, and soon after was Rui Wangfei…………..

Previously when Luo Jing Ying was causing trouble, they’d looked for the manor doctor too. She’d just disturbed the fetus slightly, but wasn’t anything major. “How are you all serving her? Previously it was still perfectly fine.” Rui Wangfei was very angry. Because the only two children in Rui Qinwang Manor were both born from her, towards this, there weren’t any less rumors and slanders, all saying it was her causing trouble, especially after that previous concubine died. She also hoped that the Rui Qinwang Manor can have more children, regardless of male or female. This one right now, because the situation was special, they still needed to wait at least half a month before being able to announce it to the outside. Even the two other concubines in this courtyard still don’t know yet, so naturally can’t do anything with great fanfare. “What happened? Quickly explain clearly to this wangfei.”

They couldn’t afford to shoulder the blame of being the main cause of disaster, so they quickly had the matter explained.

Rui Wangfei fell silent. When Rui Qinwang came, Rui Wangfei hesitated for a moment, “Wangye, Concubine Ying, in the end, is still pregnant. If there’s something, why not wait until after she gives birth before bickering over.”

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Rui Qinwang furrowed his brows. Clearly, he was probably also aware of the mistake of that slap of his earlier. Being fed up with Luo Jing Ying was one thing, but that child was indeed his own, so he nevertheless entered the inner room.

Luo Jing Ying’s complexion at this moment was deathly pale, and in a drowsy state, letting out a low groan from her mouth, clearly enduring the pain. Perhaps sensing something, she opened her eyes. The moment she saw Rui Qinwang, it was an indescribable grievance, her tears directly pooling in her eye sockets, “Wangye…………” In the end, she wasn’t stupid to the end, and didn’t sulk at Li Hong Ming at this time.

Li Hong Ming sat down by the bed. When Luo Jing Ying reached out to hold his hand, he also didn’t shake it off. However, as Luo Jing Ying began whiningly complaining, stating how hateful her third older sister was, ‘blaming’ Li Hong Ming for not helping her, even for the sake of a servant hitting her, and so on, Li Hong Ming revealed a look of annoyance. “If this prince had known earlier that you were this stupid, this prince wouldn’t have wasted that much time on you.” Even now, she was still unable to see clearly her own situation, only having that bit of love and romance in her brain. Her maiden family, that big of a backing, were all made into a mess by her. Now, he finally understood why, at the time, Luo Pei Shan would look for excuses to not let him directly receive her with the rites of a side consort. Clearly this was just throwing him an abandoned person. If her status was higher, it wouldn’t be good.

Watching him heartlessly leave once again, Luo Jing Ying’s hand hung in midair, as if struck by lightning. Seeing as Li Hong Ming was about to turn around the screen, she suddenly got up, wanting to chase after. With her current condition, how was she allowed to get up and run. Naturally, it was getting pressed back by the mamas, and even ‘nicely’ consoled, letting her consider for the child.

Rui Qinwang just instructed Rui Wangfei a few words.

Rui Wangfei curtsied, “Respectfully sending off wangye.” Even if she’d long known what kind of person this man was, she still couldn’t help feeling cold inside. Glancing again towards the inner room. Ultimately just a young girl that didn’t understand anything at all, naive and ignorant.

Rui Wangfei stood for a while before entering. Yesterday, in front of her, Luo Jing Ying was still conceited and haughty, a look of arrogance, but now, was just like a flower that was about to wither. Perhaps still considering for the child, she didn’t toss and turn anymore. Rui Wangfei waved away the servants, sitting down by the bed.

In the Luo family, Luo Jing Wan was her number one enemy, and in the Rui Qinwang Manor, Rui Wangfei was precisely her number one enemy.

(T/N: It’s kinda ironic that the people she picks to be her number one enemy are always the ones that never took her seriously to begin with.)

Carrying bitter resentment and hatred in her eyes, “Seeing me like this now, wangfei must be very pleased with oneself?” Her tone stinging. As expected, letting someone pull themselves together, aside from love, there was also resentment.

However, Rui Wangfei didn’t get angry, deliberately lowering her voice a little, as if murmuring, “The most heartless is the imperial family. Men of the imperial family, in their eyes, there’s just benefit and power. You’re the Head Minister of Appointments’s granddaughter. This originally was your greatest value, yet such a good trump card was all torn into pieces by you. As long as you’re the slightest bit harmonious with the Luo family, able to let the Luo family care about you, then he probably won’t mind sparing a few sweet words to coax you. But with things already like this now, you should just put away that bit of temper of yours and properly tend to the fetus. Even if you’ve lost your worth, more or less still have a child at your side. What wangye hates the most is the women in the rear court causing trouble. Wangye’s attitude is already this clear, don’t tell me you still harbor delusions towards him?”

“Wangfei’s skill in inciting disharmony is rather excellent.”

Rui Wangfei quietly stared at her. Clearly already believing more than half, yet still refusing to admit. Her body clearly trembling because of fear, yet still like a sheep in wolf’s clothing. With her like this, how long can she last? “Don’t get worked up, you still have a child. This child right now is your life preserving talisman. If the child is gone…………..After you entered the Rui Qinwang Manor, you’ve offended quite a few people. Without wangye’s backing, you should know the situation you will be facing. Don’t tell me you don’t even know these things? Carrying a child, those people won’t dare to go overboard, and also won’t deduct too much of your share. Have some brains, and don’t continue to be stupid and naive. My words end here.”

Rui Wangfei stood up, but Luo Jing Ying suddenly grabbed her, “Why?” They were standing on opposite sides, would she be that kind as to say these to her?

Why? Rui Wangfei also didn’t know why. Perhaps because Luo Jing Ying was like someone she once knew, for the sake of a man, disregarding everything, like a moth flying into the flames, a tragic end that one can well imagine. Or perhaps it was because she believed her conscience has yet to die out completely, pretending to be a good person for once.

Rui Wangfei brushed away her hand, “Looks like you won’t give up that easily. The Luo family is your only chance at turning the situation around. If you can make your grandfather assist wangye, then wangye will pamper you even more than before.”

In reality, it was indeed as Rui Wangfei said. In less than a day, she fell from the high clouds into the mud. No matter who, all would be unwilling to resign. Clearly it shouldn’t be like this, shouldn’t be like this. He already said he liked her, how could he change that easily? Or was he really just deceiving her, really just because of the Luo family? She overflowed with anger and resentment, just the intensifying pain in the abdomen made Luo Jing Ying recover her rationality a little. ‘Flattering on the high and stepping on the low’, that’s why can’t let anything happen to this child, absolutely can’t let anything happen. “Someone come, someone come, bring the medicine over, bring the medicine over………….”

Rui Wangfei exited Luo Jing Ying’s courtyard. Pausing in her steps, she turned towards Li Hong Ming’s study.

Li Hong Ming was practicing his calligraphy. Having been husband and wife for many years, towards Li Hong Ming’s mood, Rui Wangfei understood very well. Despite there being irritating matters today, his mood was nevertheless pretty good, especially after returning from the outside.

“Greetings wangye.”

“Wangfei has come.” Li Hong Ming put down the brush, reaching his hand out towards her.

Rui Wangfei just grabbed his hand, cuddling into his arms. Looking at the calligraphy on the table, looks like, his mood wasn’t just pretty good, but very good. However, she didn’t want to guess why, just smiling, “Wangye’s calligraphy is getting increasingly better.”

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Li Hong Ming also lightly chuckled. This for him, in his own territory, can be said to be rare. “Is something the matter?”

“On Concubine Ying’s side, there shouldn’t be anymore problems, wangye can rest assured.”

“These trivial matters, wangfei can just take care of, this prince trusts wangfei.” Li Hong Ming unconcernedly said.

“In the end, still one that has just left the boudoir not that long ago, the temper a little willful, it will slowly improve. Wangye should pardon her a little more.”

“Wangfei is rather kind-hearted.” Li Hong Ming ambiguously said, “More importantly right now is for wangfei to give birth to a di son for this prince.” As he said this, he directly had Rui Wangfei lifted, walking towards the inner room of the study.

Rui Wangfei softly let out a surprised gasp, and soon after, followed her coquettish ‘complaints’[1], receiving in exchange Li Hong Ming’s hearty laughter.

Rui Wangfei once again confirmed, their wangye’s mood was endlessly good. He normally wouldn’t do this kind of thing.

For the time being, moving on to the matter of the Grand Elder Princess inviting Jing Wan, she even had her kept all the way until nightfall. Jing Wan really did match her fantasies towards a daughter very much, a height in which her own biological daughters were definitely unable to reach. As such, towards Jing Wan, she really was very good. Even towards her youngest daughter Yu Yao Wenzhu, she all let her learn from Jing Wan more.

Jing Wan was blushing in shame quite a bit. Even she didn’t know how she, this ‘person without learning[2]‘, just became ‘that other family’s child’. Speaking of which, it was fortunate that she and Yu Yao Wenzhu’s age was comparatively far apart, and that Yu Yao wasn’t a sensitive person at a young age either, innocent and unaffected, also genuinely liking her. Otherwise, hearing her mother say this many similar words, who knows if her heart will just become dark and twisted.

Because there wasn’t night curfew here, Jing Wan originally wanted to leave at nightfall, but in the end, under Yu Yao Wenzhu’s cute tantrum, she didn’t leave until after the evening meal.

[1] The original term is ‘to feign anger coquettishly’; because you can use verbs as nouns sometimes in chinese, every time I come across it, I headache.

[2] Referring to the four scholarly arts of qin, qi, calligraphy and painting