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Under the heiress facade

Chapter 171
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Clupter 171 Gurdyroots weren't exactly rare on the market. Century-old gurdyroots, on the other hand, were very rare to find nowadays.

Hera opened her laptop and logged into the Divine Forum, which she hadn't visited for quite stime. She asked a few alternative medical practitioners who were quite well-known for their own merit while ignoring the unread notifications. Alas, none of them possessed a century-old gurdyroot.

Her phone rang loudly at that moment. It was a call from Bernard.

"It's already night time. Where are you?' His husky voice drifted out of the loudspeaker.

Hera glanced at the time. Only then did she notice that it was already 7:00 pm The sky had already gone dark. All the streetlights on the campus were brightly lit.

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"I'm still at the academy." Hera replied "Which part of the academy Bernard's question caught Hera off guard. "Are you still at the academy?! She remembered telling Bernard on Whatearlier that afternoon that she needed to perform her duty roster chores, so she'd go hlater than usual. That was why she wanted Bernard to go hon his own after he was done with his business at the academy.

"Yeah, I've just completed my business. I'll cget you tight now. But I don't see any lights in the junior year students' classroom block." "Don't go anywhere. I'll go find you instead." Hera recalled that Bernard was still stuck in his wheelchair, so she quickly switched off her laptop and put on her jacket. She made sure to lock the chemistry lab up before scurrying away.

There was a short distance between the chemistry lab and classroom blocks. Hera descended all the way to the first floor. She spotted Bernard as she hurried down the e path.

He could be seen sitting in his wheelchair on the deserted path. The dim yellow streetlight traced the outline of his handsface, casting dark shadows on a portion of his face.

Bernard's regal-like bearing and sitting position made him seem like he was sitting on a throne instead of a wheelchair.

But the night breeze was extraordinarily chilly. His hands, which rested on the arms of the wheelchair, were starting to turn blue from the cold-the thought of Bernard wheeling everywhere in search of her strummed Hera's heartstrings.

"Why didn't you callin advance?" she asked while approaching Bernard. A ball of white mist escaped from her lips as she spoke The temperature in Norburgh often dipped a few degrees lower during winter nights "I've already texted you, but you never replied," Bernard said. He dragged out his words slightly, making him seem pitiful and helpless Hera tapped on her Whatsand swatched accounts once again. Only then did she notice the text message Bernard had sent her half an hour ago. He had told her that he'd cover to pick her up.

Suddenly, she felt a little guilty.

Bernard lifted the woolen quit that was draped over his lap in an attempt to drape it over Hera's shoulders. But he couldn't reach her due to him being a lot shorter than her, seeing as he was confined to his wheelchair.

He was silent for a moment before saying, "Chere." Hera could tell what Bernard was trying to do. She opted to stand before him without badging at all, her eyes silently fixed on his figure "Perhaps you can try to stand up." Bernard didn't respond at all. He had a feeling that Hera was mocking him.

But it he were to rise to his feet right in front of Hera, she'd have discovered that he was perfectly capable of caring for himself 50, Bernard crached out to take tera's hand.

Surprised, Hera soon felt the coldness flaring from Bernard's bigger hand, making her heart skip a beat.

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Suddenly, Bernard pulled her into his arms with a strong tug- His actions shocked Hera, but she dared not squirm around for fear that she might accidentally make contact with his injuries.

Bernard's frwas a lot warmer than his hand. His familiar smoky scent shot up Hera's nostrils instantly, though it felt colder thanks to the night's chill. It made her head

clearer than usual. The content is on Content is on the latest englishRead the chapter there! As Demard draped the quilt over Hera's shoulders, he placed his hand on her back and pulled her closer into his arms. He breathed in her light fragrance at the stime.

The dim light cast down on the pair, dragging out their shadows on the desolate path.

Suddenly, two beams of light were pointed in their direction. It appeared that a car had cruised into the campus and had chosen to go down the path they were on Hera snapped out of her trance and got up instantly. Meanwhile, Bernard shot a displeased look at the incoming car Dongle, who was seated in the driver's seat, could feel Bernard's murderous gaze being fixed on him. He shuddered instinctively before stepping on the brakes.

He didn't mean to interrigt firenard and Hera's private ton paposel tipon spotting the familiar license plate number, Hera moved to open the car door. The moment she saw Douglas, she commented, "I see you're back from your vacation" "Yes, Ms. Youngwith," Douglas trplint.