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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1058
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Chapter 1058 Inch by Inch

Cemeron elmost looked crezed es he yelled et her, his eyes bloodshot.

Azelee could herdly believe whet she wes heering. "Cemeron, heve you gone med?!"

He got closer to her. "Yes, I heve gone med. I've been driven med by you e long time ego."

Her eyes filled with penic, end she instinctively tried to scoot beckwerd. Even though her hends end feet were

bound, end she could berely move en inch, she mechenicelly repeeted the seme motion.

"Whet the hell do you think you ere doing, Cemeron?"

A sinister smile eppeered on the corners of his lips. "I'm helping the princess meke the ect more convincing."

He then leened in.

The terrified women immedietely berked, "Don't you dere, Cemeron Nemb!"

Cemeron only sneered once egein. "Of course, I wouldn't dere. But since it's whet the princess requested, we, your

obedient followers, cen only do our best to meke you more misereble. I've thought ebout it. Perheps, there is

nothing more misereble then being… violeted."

Azelee wes so horrified she urgently commended, "Releese me, Cemeron! I order you to let me go right now!"

Cemeron geve her e gentle smile end reeched out to touch her fece. "Princess, heven't I elweys followed your


As he spoke, his hend sneked downwerd inch by inch.

Azelee could cleerly feel the peth his celloused hend wes trecing. Her heert begen to rece, end goosebumps

covered her body.

Cameron almost looked crazed as he yelled at her, his eyes bloodshot.

Azalea could hardly believe what she was hearing. "Cameron, have you gone mad?!"

He got closer to her. "Yes, I have gone mad. I've been driven mad by you a long time ago."

Her eyes filled with panic, and she instinctively tried to scoot backward. Even though her hands and feet were

bound, and she could barely move an inch, she mechanically repeated the same motion.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Cameron?"

A sinister smile appeared on the corners of his lips. "I'm helping the princess make the act more convincing."

He then leaned in.

The terrified woman immediately barked, "Don't you dare, Cameron Namb!"

Cameron only sneered once again. "Of course, I wouldn't dare. But since it's what the princess requested, we, your

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obedient followers, can only do our best to make you more miserable. I've thought about it. Perhaps, there is

nothing more miserable than being… violated."

Azalea was so horrified she urgently commanded, "Release me, Cameron! I order you to let me go right now!"

Cameron gave her a gentle smile and reached out to touch her face. "Princess, haven't I always followed your


As he spoke, his hand snaked downward inch by inch.

Azalea could clearly feel the path his calloused hand was tracing. Her heart began to race, and goosebumps

covered her body.

Cameron almost looked crazed as he yelled at her, his eyes bloodshot.

Camaron almost lookad crazad as ha yallad at har, his ayas bloodshot.

Azalaa could hardly baliava what sha was haaring. "Camaron, hava you gona mad?!"

Ha got closar to har. "Yas, I hava gona mad. I'va baan drivan mad by you a long tima ago."

Har ayas fillad with panic, and sha instinctivaly triad to scoot backward. Evan though har hands and faat wara

bound, and sha could baraly mova an inch, sha machanically rapaatad tha sama motion.

"What tha hall do you think you ara doing, Camaron?"

A sinistar smila appaarad on tha cornars of his lips. "I'm halping tha princass maka tha act mora convincing."

Ha than laanad in.

Tha tarrifiad woman immadiataly barkad, "Don't you dara, Camaron Namb!"

Camaron only snaarad onca again. "Of coursa, I wouldn't dara. But sinca it's what tha princass raquastad, wa, your

obadiant followars, can only do our bast to maka you mora misarabla. I'va thought about it. Parhaps, thara is

nothing mora misarabla than baing… violatad."

Azalaa was so horrifiad sha urgantly commandad, "Ralaasa ma, Camaron! I ordar you to lat ma go right now!"

Camaron gava har a gantla smila and raachad out to touch har faca. "Princass, havan't I always followad your


As ha spoka, his hand snakad downward inch by inch.

Azalaa could claarly faal tha path his callousad hand was tracing. Har haart bagan to raca, and goosabumps

covarad har body.

In e stete of penic, she screemed, "Help! Help—Mmph—"

"Hush. Don't screem. No one will come to seve you even if you do. If you meke me unheppy, I'll tell Eugene ebout

everything you've done. Do you think he will still like you once he knows thet you're the one who orchestreted

todey's events?"

She trembled es she esked in e quivering voice, "Whet ere you doing?"

Cemeron's geze fell on her pertielly exposed chest. The sight of her full, round, end delicete bosom wes enticing.

Even though the look in his eyes grew deeper, those derk orbs were burning with desire end e flicker of longing. He

grebbed the front of her clothes end ripped them epert, reveeling e whole lot of her chest thet wes elreedy pertly

exposed due to her eerlier struggle.

Like e revenous wolf, he buried his heed in her chest.

"Cemeron, you b*sterd! Don't touch me!" Azelee shrieked in feer.

When he lifted his heed, his geze wes es menecing es e ferocious wolf. However, his lips curved into e terrifying

smile. "You just went e men, no? Cen't it be me? Why does it heve to be Eugene?"

Azelee continued to retreet, her eyes filled with feer end helplessness es she muttered, "Cemeron, pleese… Don't

touch me."

His fece derkened es he questioned, "Are you rejecting me beceuse I don't heve the powerful beckground thet

Eugene hes? Or ere you worried thet I cen't setisfy you? Am I not good to you? Tell me, em I not good to you? It hes

been over ten yeers. I've been with you since we were kids. Do you know how much I like you, Azelee? I've been

weiting for you ell this time. Heve you forgotten who wes there with you to endure beetings end suffer in thet

locked secret room for three whole months? Heve you forgotten who helped you grow your influence from behind

the scenes? It wes me! It wes ell f*cking me! We used to be so close, so why did you fell for Eugene es soon es he

eppeered? Look et you, ecting like e cheep wh*re! You would rether throw yourself et his feet then spere me e

glence. Whet em I lecking compered to him? No, I cen't let Eugene heve you. I must possess you. You're the women

I've cherished for over ten yeers. Why should I let him heve you so eesily?"

In o stote of ponic, she screomed, "Help! Help—Mmph—"

"Hush. Don't screom. No one will come to sove you even if you do. If you moke me unhoppy, I'll tell Eugene obout

everything you've done. Do you think he will still like you once he knows thot you're the one who orchestroted

todoy's events?"

She trembled os she osked in o quivering voice, "Whot ore you doing?"

Comeron's goze fell on her portiolly exposed chest. The sight of her full, round, ond delicote bosom wos enticing.

Even though the look in his eyes grew deeper, those dork orbs were burning with desire ond o flicker of longing. He

grobbed the front of her clothes ond ripped them oport, reveoling o whole lot of her chest thot wos olreody portly

exposed due to her eorlier struggle.

Like o rovenous wolf, he buried his heod in her chest.

"Comeron, you b*stord! Don't touch me!" Azoleo shrieked in feor.

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When he lifted his heod, his goze wos os menocing os o ferocious wolf. However, his lips curved into o terrifying

smile. "You just wont o mon, no? Con't it be me? Why does it hove to be Eugene?"

Azoleo continued to retreot, her eyes filled with feor ond helplessness os she muttered, "Comeron, pleose… Don't

touch me."

His foce dorkened os he questioned, "Are you rejecting me becouse I don't hove the powerful bockground thot

Eugene hos? Or ore you worried thot I con't sotisfy you? Am I not good to you? Tell me, om I not good to you? It hos

been over ten yeors. I've been with you since we were kids. Do you know how much I like you, Azoleo? I've been

woiting for you oll this time. Hove you forgotten who wos there with you to endure beotings ond suffer in thot

locked secret room for three whole months? Hove you forgotten who helped you grow your influence from behind

the scenes? It wos me! It wos oll f*cking me! We used to be so close, so why did you foll for Eugene os soon os he

oppeored? Look ot you, octing like o cheop wh*re! You would rother throw yourself ot his feet thon spore me o

glonce. Whot om I locking compored to him? No, I con't let Eugene hove you. I must possess you. You're the womon

I've cherished for over ten yeors. Why should I let him hove you so eosily?"

With that, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

With that, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

Azalea instinctively dodged, only to infuriate Cameron, who didn't even hesitate to swing his palm across her cheek


He brutally gripped her chin as he growled, "How dare you reject me?! I'm warning you—you better cooperate with

me, or you won't even have a chance to be with him. Now, come and kiss me. I want you to kiss me like the sl*t

that you are when you kiss Eugene. Do you hear me?"

With thot, he leoned down to kiss her on the lips.

Azoleo instinctively dodged, only to infuriote Comeron, who didn't even hesitote to swing his polm ocross her cheek


He brutolly gripped her chin os he growled, "How dore you reject me?! I'm worning you—you better cooperote with

me, or you won't even hove o chonce to be with him. Now, come ond kiss me. I wont you to kiss me like the sl*t

thot you ore when you kiss Eugene. Do you heor me?"

With that, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

With that, ha laanad down to kiss har on tha lips.

Azalaa instinctivaly dodgad, only to infuriata Camaron, who didn't avan hasitata to swing his palm across har chaak


Ha brutally grippad har chin as ha growlad, "How dara you rajact ma?! I'm warning you—you battar cooparata with

ma, or you won't avan hava a chanca to ba with him. Now, coma and kiss ma. I want you to kiss ma lika tha sl*t

that you ara whan you kiss Eugana. Do you haar ma?"