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Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 196 We Are Going To War!
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"Rex, I have a special treat for you". Aragorn smiled mysteriously.

"A treat?" Rex raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, just follow me to the Berserk Workshop and you'll see".

Aragorn was rarely one to engage in meaningless pranks and jokes. His mysterious act baffled Rex, but he believed that he was up to something, he agreed and followed him to the Berserk Gang.

On arriving at the Berserk Gang, Rex noticed differences.

There was no glaring technological or construction development in the Berserk Workshop since the Berserk Gang was stagnant for the past 2 months, but instead of those, the Berserk Workshop got the most important development.

While allocating all the budget of the newly acquired gang to Aragorn to build a mechanic workshop, Rex saw it then as an investment.

He trusted Aragorn to pay him back for his trust and investment, and now, the investment finally paid. The Berserk Workshop was already an established production firm that churned out mystic treasures on a daily basis.

The workshop already became the greatest source of income for the gang as even in this time of crisis, it was the main reason that kept the gang afloat.

As Rex walked through the gang, he saw hundreds of apprentice mechanics hard at work controlling the gigantic machines to mass-produce mystic treasures.

Of the first apprentice mechanics that Aragorn took in, some of them already developed a lot and upgraded to become full-fledged mystic mechanics.

With such growth, Aragorn got better helpers to further his research. As a mystic mechanic, furthering his research was also furthering his mystic realm.

Though he became an Advanced mystic warrior later than Elanor, and despite the fact that he rarely fought any battles in the past few months, Aragorn still overtook Elanor and was already a 3rd tier Advanced mystic warrior.

As for Elanor, she became a 2nd tier Advanced mystic warriors just weeks ago.

All in all, Rex was impressed by what he saw and he was not stingy with his praise. "You've really done a great job".

"Damn, if I knew beforehand that being a mystic mechanic was so profitable, I would have at least tried to become one".

Both brothers laughed at the joke and in no time, they arrived at Aragorn's personal space in the massive mechanic workshop.

Along the way as they walked, Ben already separated from them to more thoroughly tour round the workshop, now, Rex was alone with Aragorn.

As soon as he entered Aragorn's personal space in the massive workshop, 4 well-packaged items were what instantly attracted his attention.

Packaged in 4 different transparent display films were a pair of daggers, a pair of boots, a pair of gauntlets, and a pair of metallic kneepads.

Aragorn smiled. "Remember the promise I made to you some time ago?"


"Haha, I know you'll forget. I promised you that once I settle down, I'll make custom mystic treasures for you and Elanor".

"Well, I fulfilled my promise".

Though his brain already hinted at it on seeing the 4 well-packaged mystic treasures, Rex was still thrilled after hearing it confirmed by Aragorn.

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Courtesy said he should thank Aragorn first but Rex was already too attracted by the 4 beauties to care about his brother as he rushed towards them.

Rex observed them closely as he caressed the 4 transparent display films like he was caressing his babe's bosom, this was when his system lit up a notification.


[3 new mystic treasures have been detected!]

[Death Daggers!]

[Bonded Warrior: Rex Vector!]

[Quality: Upgradable!]

[Current Grade: Advanced Grade!]

Rarity: Rare

>Attack: 810-1,115 Damage<

>Durability: ???<

[Mystic Effects: Ancillaen Gaze; Blood Edge; Assassin Instinct.]

[Ancillaen Gaze: When activated through your bloodline connection, your opponent will be subjected to the petrifying gaze of a dead Vampire Ancillae!]

[Effects of Ancillaen gaze: +30% psychological suppression to your opponent, 20% chance to mentally petrify your opponent, and it grants +30% confidence in battle.]

[Blood Edge: When activated through your bloodline connection, the edge of the Death Daggers would be coated with blood granting them +150% penetration damage and a 30% chance to suck opponent's blood!]

[Assassin Instinct: When activated through your bloodline connection while wielding the daggers, you gain the cold-blooded and killer instinct of an assassin!]

[Effects of Ancillaen gaze: +200% damage for all sneak attacks!]

[Remark: The blood-sucking Dagger!]

[NOTE: These effects can be used and maintained with mystic energy.]

[Aragorn's Weapon Set- Killer Boots!]

[Bonded Warrior: ???]

[Current Grade: Advanced Grade!]

Rarity: Rare

>Speed: 910<

>Durability: 1,100/1,100<

[Mystic Effects: Ghost Rider; Glidiator; Killer Boot!]

[Ghost Rider: When activated using the Blackfire mystic ability, fire spouts from the pair of boots, increasing speed from 5 to 7 times the normal speed.]

[Glidiator: When activated, the pair of boots grow a ski that can enable the user to easily glide across smooth surfaces at 4 times the normal speed of the user.]

[Killer Boot: When activated, +10% Strength stat, +10% attack speed, +10% attack damage, and +10% reaction speed.]

[Remark: Aragorn's first weapon set boots.]

[Aragorn's Weapon Set- Gauntlets!]

[Bonded Warrior: ???]

[Current Grade: Advanced Grade!]

Rarity: Rare

>Defense: 980<

>Attack: 350-450<

>Durability: 1,100/1,100<

[Mystic Effects: Leonidas's Block; Leonidas's Strike!]

[Leonidas's Block: When activated while parrying an enemy strike, +100% defense and +50% chance to reflect 50% damage back to the enemy.]

[Leonidas's Strike: When activated while striking an enemy with the gauntlets, +100% attack and +50% to deal critical damage to the enemy.]

[Remark: Aragorn's first weapon set gauntlets.]

[Aragorn's Weapon Set- Kneepads!]

[Bonded Warrior: ???]

[Current Grade: Advanced Grade!]

Rarity: Rare

>Defense: 780<

>Attack: 450-550<

>Durability: 1,100/1,100<

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[Mystic Effects: Knee Defense; Leonidas's Kick!]

[Knee Defense: When activated while parrying an enemy attack to the knee, +100% defense and +50% leg balance and strength to withstand enemy force and attack momentum.]

[Leonidas's Kick: When activated while attacking an enemy through a kick, +100% attack and +50% to deal critical damage to the enemy.]

[Leonidas's Kick additional effect: When kicking enemy more than once, percentage bonuses stack and when up to 3 times, combine to give a super kick.]

[Remark: Aragorn's first weapon set kneepads.]


The system notification was long but Rex took his time to go through it all.

Though Aragorn felt that it was weird for Rex to stand before the transparent display films admiring the mystic treasures for so long, he calmed down after remembering the type of maniac that Rex was.

After going through the full system notification, Rex was beyond impressed, he was freakishly impressed and left extremely proud by Aragorn's achievements.

Rex instinctively felt like tearing up as he remembered months ago when Aragorn was still a vigilante fighting against the Desert Cowboy Gang.

Then, Aragorn was content with staying in the village working as a small-time mystic mechanic. As Rex thought back now, he felt angry, how dare Aragorn waste his incredible talent for so long in that godforsaken village?

"Huh?" Aragorn felt Rex's glare. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is ok".

"I'm just baffled at your f*cking genius! You're a genius man!" Rex left admiring the 4 mystic treasures and went to embrace his brother in a tight hug.

He had never felt more proud of Aragorn than he felt now. Aragorn may be older than him, but the sense of pride in him following Aragorn's achievements were so pure that he felt like a father figure at the moment.

A few minutes later, Ben came and also laid his eyes before the 4 pieces of genius that were created and upgraded by Aragorn.

Despite living in a Great Shelter for months already, Ben was also impressed.

Rex no longer wasted time. After wearing a set of leather clothes to cover his body, he finally donned all his mystic treasures in preparation for battle.

Rex donned his new Vampiric Armor, Aragorn's weapon set, slot his Death Daggers in, before finally grabbing Berserker as he got set for battle.

At this moment, he looked like an Asura that was ready to go on a slaughter.

Aragorn was surprised at his actions. "You're going out?"

"No, we're going out". Rex smiled.

"When I declared war on the Gandalf Gang, I didn't declare it with the intentions of starting it in the future. Once I declared it, the war started".

"Our first step to destroying the enemy is wiping off all their traces from our backyard and destroying their foundations here".

"We need to wipe every trace of the Gandalf Gang from the Red Zone". At this moment, Rex's face already turned serious.

"Show me the list that has all the base of the Gandalf Gang in the Red Zone".

Aragorn was caught off-guard by this but he reacted fast. A few minutes later, he returned with a map that outlined the Red Zone. Red marks were all over the map and they were the secret bases of the Gandalf Gang.

"Good". Rex nodded.

"This is my order, mobilize the Berserk Gang army immediately".

"We are going to war!"