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Villain Retirement

Chapter 727: This Is The Real Multiverse of Madness
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"At least 6'6" tall, insanely muscular, light-brown hair. That should be easy to filter."

"What the—how do you guys even have access to this?"

"The Ross owns everything under the sun."

"Multiple suns, actually."

"For reals?"


Just a few moments ago, Riley and the ladies were surrounded by the serenity and the isolation of Central Park. But now, they were inside the comforts of Hannah's penthouse; the three ladies, huddled together in front of the bar looking at a laptop. The three of them do not really know each other, but it didn't take long for them to actually be buddies with each other—perhaps it was a friendship that transcends the multiverse, or perhaps because Riley was there to put them together, no one really knows.

As for Riley, he was busy checking out the streaming sites available in this universe, continuing his search for Italian Mafia Reborn. For some reason, however, he finds himself pausing and glancing at the three from time to time, especially after hearing what Hannah just said about them owning almost everything in the entire Known Universe.

The previous Bernard he killed ruled the universe he was in, while this one owns almost everything. In a way, they were so successful that you could even depict them as gods in their own right.

But the Bernard of his world, his adoptive father—other than being Whiteking and a member of Hope Guild, he was somewhat a lackey of the government for half of his life. It was like he never truly achieved what he was meant to do and what he could be… and it was obvious why.

Riley Ross's existence.

It could be none other than his fault. Everyone was not able to reach their potential because he existed. But then again, not that Riley was trying to compliment himself, but Aerith is alive and well-treated, respected, and idolized in his world.

Pirate Queen Xra also stopped pirating, lightening the work of the Guardian Force, Lahestia, the Common Council, and all the other police forces in his universe by probably more than 80%. Last he heard, the Cherbi was also tamed by one of his clones and was now no longer targeting star systems indiscriminately.

Mega Academy also existed. And there was even a school for Supers with special needs created by Paige.

There were no secret organizations or governments, because Darkday was enough. And if there happens to be a villain group, they are always accidentally killed by Riley.

Other than him causing trouble here and there, his universe was… ironically safe and peaceful.

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In this universe and the previous one, Earth seemed to always be fighting with the themarians and other species.

Humans… are the villains.

But with him there, Bernard can't do anything. The evil people that lurk in the shadows can't do anything… because they were nothing compared to the darkness Riley leaves behind.

Does that not make him… a hero?"

"Pft," Riley could not help but let out a small chuckle as soon as the thought entered his mind. Perhaps he should tell that to Aerith once they meet again.

"..." The smile on Riley's face instantly disappeared as soon as he remembered Aerith's face. Now that he had time to think and truly relax…

…wasn't he actually betrayed by her?

He wasn't only abandoned, but betrayed.

"Do I have the right to feel this way?" Riley let go of the remote as he placed his hand on his chin. Can a monster like him really be betrayed? He and Aerith were enemies from the start, after all.

If there was someone he should feel betrayed by, it should be Diana—but for some reason, Riley was not really thinking of her.

Why was he even so obsessed with Aerith in the first place? Because she was the first to make him afraid? No, Hannah does that aplenty.

Because she was his equal? But Aerith has lived a hundred of his lifetimes, they will never be equal.

Because he fell in love with her? If so, what does that even mean?

"..." Riley looked at the TV for a few seconds, before just shrugging his shoulders and once again started searching for shows. These weird emotions and thoughts that he was having for the first time, it was quite… tiring to the mind.

How do normal people actually deal with all these emotions?

And while Riley was busy trying to find himself and Italian Mafia Reborn at the same time, the ladies also continued their search for a villain that they did not know was already casually relaxing on a sofa just meters away from them.

Until finally, after an entire hour, their search seemed to bear fruit.

"Ah, is this him!?"


Or so they thought.

"But this guy is the last on the fucking list!" Hannah almost slammed the laptop shut as she groaned in frustration. She then munched a handful of popcorn that they microwaved along their search. Chihiro and Gracy also put some snacks in their mouth, eating out the stress and frustrations they were feeling.

As for Riley, he was casually sipping a glass of milk and eating a cookie; finally finding something to watch.

"Oi, why aren't you helping us to search!?"

Riley's head slightly flinched forward as a piece of popcorn was thrown at the back of his head. He turned around, only to see Hannah's hand stretched forward with a dumbfounded and shocked expression on her face.

"...Awkward," Gracy loudly whispered as she looked at Chihiro, who still had her mask on,

"Why didn't you block the popcorn like you blocked that guy's fist, Golden Fox?"

"...Are you serious?"

"I… I don't know why I did that," Hannah's face quickly became flushed as she saw Riley looking at her. She had really only known Riley for less than 3 days, and she was already treating him like they have known each other since they were young.

Could it be… they were really close in another universe? After all, in Chihiro's memory, she was also there.

"..." But she wasn't the one who jumped in front of Riley to save him. But then again, why would Chihiro jump in front of Riley in the first place? Although Hannah still has not seen what Riley was capable of, it was obvious just from the glimpses that she had seen that Riley was strong—he treated Jonas Reuben like an insect.

"Ack, this is boring!"

And with the sudden awkwardness lingering in the air, Gracy just leaped from the bar and jumped straight onto the sofa; her decently-sized bosoms, bouncing as she landed right beside Riley.

"You—you're gay, aren't you?" Gracy then smirked as she leaned closer to Riley, "You have been alone with 3, and I am not boasting here, 3 beautiful and well-packaged women, and I have only seen you glance at us once. Once. Other men would have already done something, anything."

"I am not other men, Gracy," Riley let out a small sigh as he wiped the milk above his upper lip, "I am a monster."

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"...Oh?" Gracy raised an eyebrow, "And if this monster has a chance, who would you take to bed among the three of us?"

"..." Hannah was actually about to stop the conversation, but as soon as she heard Gracy's spicy inquiry, she quickly stopped and heightened her senses. Even Chihiro, who thought Gracy was just trying to lighten up the mood and break the ice, could not help but almost remove her mask there and then.

Chihiro subtly glanced at Hannah, who clearly has some sort of feelings for Riley. As for her, she didn't really know what to feel—She saved Riley, that has to mean something.

"Take to bed? Do you mean sexual intercourse, Gracy?"

"Kh…" Gracy almost choked on her own breath as she didn't expect Riley's bluntness; her face, reddening like cherry in no time, "Y…yes."

"..." Riley placed his hand on his chin, before just shaking his head, "No one."

"No one?" Gracy squinted her eyes, "I don't believe you. So, if I am to strip right here and now… you wouldn't do something to me?"

"...Something's not right," Chihiro finally spoke as she noticed the small giggles escaping Gracy's lips. She then turned to look back at the counter, only to see an empty bottle of alcohol in front of the seat Gracy was seating on earlier, "Did… she drink all of that?"

"No, Gracy. I know you as a man, after all," Riley sighed.

"Wha—You think this is a man!?" And without even any warning, Gracy suddenly tore off her shirt.

"Fucking fuck!" Hannah, as well as Chihiro quickly rushed toward Gracy, trying their best to pull her down. But alas, the child of Aerith may lose in a fight against Hannah or Chihiro, but she wouldn't lose to a contest of strength as she also just dragged the two closer to Riley.

"Stop, stop!" Hannah clenched her teeth as she tried her best to push Gracy. Gracy, however, grabbed her shirt and pushed her away… also tearing it to pieces in the process.

"You bitch!" Hannah let out a scream as she once again attempted to push Gracy, this time violently. But alas, she was the one to be pushed back and trip… falling right on top of Riley—the only thing between her breasts and Riley's face; her bra.


And with this chaos just starting to ensue, the elevator doors suddenly rang. The three could not really do anything as they were still slightly tangled. And so, they all just very slowly turned their heads to the elevator as it opened…

…only to see another Hannah on the other side.



"...What the fuck?"

"What the fuck!?"