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White Online

Chapter 413: The Return of Black Smoke.
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The twig was broken under Isaac's shoe. While he strolled through the damp forest, the smell of danger seemed to drift everywhere he looked.

He was currently in Forest of Rainwell. In spite of his efforts, he had not been able to reach the end after trying for several days.

It seemed that every time he tried to reach the end, a new obstacle would present itself.

As Isaac was running through the forest, at exactly the same moment, the wind suddenly ceased. It was then that his instincts kicked in, and he knew that something was about to happen.

The ground a few meters away from him sank in, and hundreds of sharp spikes popped out of the ground. Each one of them was sharp enough to impale a human completely.

Another group of pikes emerged from the underground and flew straight toward Isaac!

All of a sudden, the ground began to swallow everything in its path. A lot of trees were being downed into a hole, a lot of grass patches were destroyed, and floral arrangements were dying.

Isaac was already running away from the scene. His figure whizzed past hundreds of trees in just a matter of seconds.

As soon as the ground stopped shaking, he dared to turn around and take a look behind him.

Several hundred meters away, there was a forest that was completely destroyed, with moist ground twisted upside down and trees ravaged by cracks.

"This is goddamn impossible..." Isaac leaned against a tree, picked up an inventory book, and began jotting down notes.

Ten pages were already full of words.

Isaac had written down all of the information he had found in the Forest, and each obstacle in the way was more difficult than the one before it.

There was even a time when he tried using a Teleportation Pearl, but it did not work. There was no way he could teleport to the other side of the forest since he didn't know what the landscape looked like.

Crossing the forest truly seemed impossible.

"Maybe the only way is to fly over the forest…" Isaac shrugged his shoulders at such comical thought. That was also a thought that kept surfacing in his mind.

Maybe the test was for him to find a way to fly over the forest.

Since he had spent several days in the haunted forest, his level also increased.

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[Name: Wraith]

[Level: 120]

[HP: 1135/1135 - Hexagon Armor Effect!]

[XP: 77000/100000]

[SP: 0]

[White Coins: 1,204,586]

[Bank: 500,000]

[Title: Adventurer]

[Class: Marksman]

[Legacy: White Death]

[Legacy Rank: Mythical]

[STR: 100 MAX]

[AGI: 250]

[VIT: 230 + 100]

[STA: 220]

[PRE: 300 + 50]

[CHA: 102]

[DEX: 110]




[Friend List]



[Log Out]

[Good Precision Lv3: Improves the shot accuracy by 10%]

[Icy Shot: You can freeze your opponents with a well-aimed shot!]

[Fear Disperse: Reduces the Player's fear by 10%]

[Titles: Clearer of Dungeons (Unequipped)]

[Legacy Skill: White Death]

[White Death: During this state, Player will be immune to Death]

[Wraith's Shot: Player Wraith's Unique Ability - With this, you can choose whether you want your bullets to be illusionary or not!]

[Marksman of Space Lv2: Allows the Player to Teleport across the space - With greater mastery of the ability, the level increases and strengthens the distance one can teleport]

"Sigh…" Isaac let out a sigh that was full of frustration and annoyance, "I hate staying here… It halts my progress, and I have to pass the forest somehow so I can catch up with top players…"

He slammed the notebook shut, stuffed it into his inventory, and stood up.

"One final try… Then I am done for today." Isaac gathered his thoughts and decided to use another method to cross the forest.

It was with the help of Marksman of Space.

Upon opening his eyes again after closing them, Isaac was greeted by a beautiful star pattern with glowing edges, which replaced his round pupils. He was then greeted with strange glowing particles emitted by his body.

His vision then flew across a large leap, and when he looked back, he realized that his body had disappeared and that it had appeared on top of a large oak tree. It had been fifty meters from where he had been before.

Currently, his maximum teleport distance was 90 meters and he was sure that once the distance increased to 100 meters, the skill would enter level 3.

The countdown slowly ticked down.

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Isaac slowly uncorked a shallow breath, taking a careful look at the surroundings. While looking for his next point to teleport to, Isaac slowly caught his breath again. There was quite a bit of damage to the area around him at the moment, with only a few trees still standing.

After the countdown reached zero, Isaac teleported eighty meters away and landed on the top of a hill which was only six meters high.

An instant later, a cold chill brushed him like a swarm of ants came upon him and wanted him to be devoured in full.

At the far end of the forest, something huge was heading toward him with frightening speed, and the forest began to crumble.

Isaac looked at the countdown and grimaced, "Fuck… Have to run away!"

He jumped off the hill and began running deeper into the forest. When the creature spotted him, he immediately changed direction, following him.

While running, Isaac's focus was on the slowly-ticking-down countdown.

The loud stomping noises were only dozens of meters away from him. After a single stomp, the creature covered several meters in no time and was catching up fast.

Then, when the cooldown reached zero, Isaac instantly teleported 90 meters away from where he was.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he immediately felt a wave of exhaustion, but no matter how tired he was, he continued running without stopping.

At this point, the massive creature seemed to stop, wondering where his prey was.

Throughout this point, Isaac continued to use the Marksman of Space without stopping, and this went on for hours on end.

A couple of hours later, Isaac was sitting at the top of an enormous tree, body soaked in sweat, droopy eyes, and exhausted face.

As he was nearing the end of his mental resources, he debated whether or not he should just call it a day.

Taking a look around the forest from the top of the tree, he realized he couldn't see the end of the forest. His eyes could see nothing else but endless woods to the horizon.

"This is impossible…" Isaac shakily stood up and decided to continue for another hour. After that, he would give up.

His body transformed into floating star-patterned particles and appeared eighty meters away.

He felt immediately as if he was being bathed in a lake of coldness with clouds of thick darkness surrounding him.

A small patch of grass had been burned into crisps, a flower had withered, and the trees were rapidly wasting away.

The strange black smoke, which Isaac met on his first visit to the forest, had returned!

This time, it wasn't planning on letting Isaac leave just yet as it had done previously!

There was an instantaneous crack in the ground as several ashen-gray vines drilled through the earth, spearing up sharp edges filled with poisonous seeds and flying toward him.