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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 183 Call Of The Tides [Part 1]
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Chapter 183 Call Of The Tides [Part 1]

The tension within the walls of the City of Zentris was high as everyone looked at the Plains, where countless Skeleton soldiers stood.

Above their heads, dark clouds loomed over them, spread across the sky.

Lightning snaked across the heavens, and thunder boomed loudly.

Strong winds buffeted the city, but the warriors standing on top of the ramparts, as well as those manning the magical ballistas, remained firm.

It had been three hours since the sun had set, and the lagoon was flooded with seawater, serving as the city’s defensive moat.

Ethan and Lily stood on the ramparts, along with the Elite Warriors who served as the Tide Bringer’s bodyguards.

Their gazes were locked on the Unholy Army in front of them, and all of them had grim expressions on their faces.

Surprisingly, Ethan found himself not feeling as anxious as he thought he should be. Perhaps since the bulk of the enemy was made up of Undead, he didn’t have to worry about killing people.

At least, that was the explanation that he had figured for himself due to how calm he was feeling.

Perhaps, it was also due to the hand holding his own, making him feel that he wasn’t facing this situation alone.

The countless glowing eyes in the darkness were enough to make even the heart of the bravest warrior feel faint. But since the Tide Bringer was among them, they felt as if all hope was not lost.

“Do you think they will attack even though the path is blocked by water?” Rex asked Ethan, whose gaze was fixed on a single spot in the distance.

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“The possibility exists,” Ethan replied. “After all, they are Undead, and don't need to breathe underwater.”

The young man’s gaze was locked on the Necromancer in the distance. Although it was dark and nearly impossible to see clearly, the young man, as well as the warriors of the Allied Tribe, didn’t have any problems.

Sebastian had granted everyone inside the city Night Vision, allowing everyone inside the city to see their enemies as if it was day.

The Dark Clouds in the sky had prevented the light of the moon and the stars from illuminating the surroundings, which was part of the Necromancer’s plan.

He was not aware that his opponents weren’t as helpless as he thought they would be in the darkness.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the Necromancer raised his right hand.

Twenty Ogres, which were five meters tall, all moved to push the five catapults that they had made in order to attack the city forward.

They pushed until the catapults reached the edge of the lagoon and loaded them with boulders. The Shamans of the Three Great Tribes tapped the boulders with their staffs, igniting them in flames.

When all the boulders were lit, the Necromancer pointed at the city, which was his signal to strike.

The Allied Tribes watched with bated breath as the five fiery boulders flew in their direction.

However, these boulders fell a few hundred meters short of the city walls. Their flames were immediately extinguished by the seawater, resulting in sizzling noises as steam rose up from the lagoon’s surface.

The corner of the Necromancer’s lips curled up into a smirk before giving the signal for the Ogres to pull the Catapults away.

He also didn’t expect the boulders to hit the city. It was merely his way of giving his greeting to the Tide Bringer, who was hiding behind the city walls.

The Necromancer lightly tapped his staff on the ground, and his Undead Army all stood at attention.


It was just a single word, but the Undead Army surged like a tide. Their burning eyes blazed in the darkness as they walked towards the lagoon and into its dark depths.

“Lily,” Ethan said as he looked at the beautiful young lady beside him.

“Un,” Lily nodded.

Ethan cupped her face and kissed her lips, which made the warriors guarding them have no idea if they should laugh or cry.

All these men were still single and didn’t have any lovers or wives. For them to see such a passionate display right before the battle made them feel as if they were missing out on a lot in life.

When their lips parted, Ethan wrapped his arms around Lily and gave her a hug. He then kissed her forehead before whispering something in her ears.

“We will survive this together,” Ethan whispered. “We will return to the present together.”

“Yes, we will,” Lily replied as she also hugged Ethan.

After both of their hearts had calmed down, Ethan reluctantly pulled back and summoned the Sea God’s Trident in his hand.

The blue trident glowed faintly in the darkness, boosting Ethan’s strength. Its second function which helped Ethan calm his mind was still deactivated, but the handsome young man didn’t care.

He couldn’t run away forever, and he knew that now was the time to fight.

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Sebastian told them that if they wanted to go home, they should defeat the Necromancer and end his tyranny once and for all. Since that was the case, Ethan steeled his resolve as he prepared for the arrival of the monsters that were marching under the lagoon, headed in their direction.

“Magna Amplifico,” Lily chanted as she lightly tapped her chest with her wand in order to boost her body’s performance.

Suddenly, beyond the darkness, the flapping of countless wings could be heard.

The Necromancer sneered as he flew toward the sky and landed on the back of a Bone Wyvern.

Behind him, hundreds of Undead Flying Monsters of all shapes and sizes waited for his command.

When the Skeleton Soldiers finally reached the base of the mountain where the city of Zentris was perched, they started to climb it like a horde of ants.

Seeing this scene, the Necromancer cackled as he urged his Flying Mount to fly toward the city.

The Flying Monsters behind him advanced forward, flying past his Wyvern Mount and emitting shrill cries as they descended toward the city like rain.

Ethan raised the Sea God’s Trident in his hand, which was shining brightly.

A moment later, a sneer appeared on his face as he used the Trump Card that protected Zentris from invasions in the past.

After gaining the Tide Bringer’s Legacy, Ethan gained the power to command the creatures that were within the boundaries of his Domain.

“Release the Kraken!”

From the sea, a giant black behemoth silently entered the lagoon.

Half a minute later, the waters of the lagoon became violent as countless tentacles rose from beneath the sea and toward the sky.

Sebastian, who was standing on top of the Pyramid with his arms crossed over his chest, sneered as the countless tentacles started to obliterate everything that was within its reach, including the flying Wyvern that the Necromancer was standing on, which instantly shattered under its overwhelming might.