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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 199 Why Do You Keep On Touching His Body?!
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Chapter 199 Why Do You Keep On Touching His Body?!

News of Ethan’s and Lily’s return spread like wildfire in Brynhildr Magic Academy.

Everyone had long heard about the story of what happened when the bandits that had attacked them on that day, so they knew that the two were forced to enter a Nexus, which took them back in time.

Truth be told, many were saddened by the loss of the handsome young man and the young beauty, who was considered as an Idol by the First Years in the academy.

This was why their return was truly a pleasant surprise for everyone. All of them wanted to know how they were able to defy all odds and return to the present time after their journey to the past.

While everyone was chatting with each other, hoping to get information about where the two teenagers had gone, Ethan and Lily found themselves inside the infirmary.

When the Headmaster and the Staff of the Academy had been informed of their return, Professor Rinehart ordered that both of them be taken to the infirmary, so Professor Galena could check them and ensure that neither of them suffered any serious injuries during their ordeal.

Chloe, Luna, Nicole, and Emma accompanied them. They were also worried that Ethan and Lily might have been injured during their journey to the past and wanted to see with their own eyes that they were truly healthy.

“Well, then. Who wants to go first?” Professor Galena asked with a smile.

However, before Ethan and Lily could answer, her three assistants interjected.

“Professor, you can take and examine Lily,” a pretty young lady, who was a Second Year at Brynhildr Academy, said. “We’ll examine Ethan in your stead.”

“That’s right, Professor,” another pretty young lady, who was a Third Year in the academy, commented. “Although we are not as good as you, with the three of us working together, we'll still be able to conduct a proper examination.”

“…. I am fine with this arrangement,” the youngest of them all, a cute young lady, who was a First Year in the academy, said with a reddened face. “We’ll make sure to conduct a proper examination of Sir Ethan.”

Professor Galena looked at her three assistants with a knowing smile.

“Fine,” Professor Galena replied. “Make sure to inspect every nook and cranny, okay? We don’t want any disease from the past to spread inside the academy.”

“““Yes, Professor!”””

The Old Professor took Lily to a separate room where she would conduct her examination, leaving Ethan with her three assistants.

Naturally, Chloe, Luna, Nicole, and Emma were also inside the room to watch the procedure.

“S-Sir Ethan, kindly take off your clothes,” the Cute First Year said shyly.

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“Understood.” Ethan nodded.

The young man took off his robe and inner shirt, which he handed to Emma, who had come forward to take them from him.

However, the Assistant Librarian froze in place after her gaze landed on Ethan’s body. It was as if she had seen a glimpse of paradise, which made Ethan wonder what was wrong.

“… Wow,” the oldest of the three Assistants couldn’t help but swallow her saliva after seeing Ethan’s perfect body that seemed to have been sculpted by the Gods themselves.

“He’s totally my type,” the Second Year Assistant muttered as her gaze wandered all over Ethan’s body as if she were licking him with his eyes.

“…” The youngest of the three didn’t say anything, but it seemed like she had fallen into a trance.

A moment later, she approached Ethan with a dazed look on her face and raised her hand to touch his chest.

“Amazing…,” the Cute First Year said softly. “If it’s you, Sir Ethan, I don’t mind getting married.”

Her words broke everyone out of their daze, and the two assistants hurriedly approached Ethan and started to touch him all over.

“Is this really a man’s body?” the oldest among the assistants muttered as she touched and lightly squeezed Ethan’s muscles. “Why does it look different from the other guys we’ve helped treat in the past?”

“Comparing Ethan to those guys is like comparing a true man to a slug,” the Second Year stated. “Ethan, can I bring you back home to my family? I’m sure my parents will want to meet you.”

The three assistants fawned over the handsome young man as they used their hands to “examine” his body.

Chloe and Luna suddenly moved to push the three girls away from their man and glared at them.

“I thought you were going to do a proper examination?” Chloe glared. “Why do you keep on touching his body?!”

“What are you talking about?” the oldest among the three asked back. “We are conducting a proper examination and making sure that he is fine. How can we find out if there is something wrong with him if we don’t touch him?”

“That’s right,” the Second Year stated. “It’s not like we are touching him because we want to. Don’t get the wrong idea!”

“A proper examination requires human touch,” the youngest replied with a flushed face. “Do you really think that we should just shove a potion in someone else’s mouth and say that the examination is done?”

The three Assistants countered Chloe’s question with facts that were hard to refute. Even so, Chloe didn’t back down and crossed her arms over her chest.

“If you are going to conduct a proper examination, do it properly,” Chloe stated. “If you do anything inappropriate, I’ll ask Professor Galena to examine Ethan instead.”


The three Assistants clicked their tongues at the same time. They knew that Chloe was right, so they decided to properly examine Ethan this time around.

Ethan, who was still holding onto his clothes, looked at Emma.

The Assistant Librarian finally snapped out of her daze and took his robe and shirt and held them close to her chest.

Nicole arched an eyebrow as she approached Ethan and looked at him from head to foot.

She had sparred with The handsome young man many times, so this wasn’t the first time she was seeing his naked upper body.

The Ethan of two months ago was lean and toned, but it had changed a lot since then. His current body was truly manly and attractive that even Nicole had to admit that she was very impressed by it. She was also very tempted to touch it, but held back since there were other ladies in the room.

The pink-haired beauty walked around, while looking at Ethan’s body as if she were some kind of food connoisseur that was grading the delicious dish in front of her. However, as soon as her gaze landed on Ethan’s back, she saw something quite peculiar.

Without even asking for permission, Nicole pushed aside Ethan’s long hair, which reached down to his waist, in order to get a better look at the thing that she saw on his back.

“What happened?” Nicole asked as she traced Ethan’s scar. “Who did this to you?”

Chloe, Luna, and Emma, who were in front of Ethan, immediately went to see what Nicole was talking about.

When they saw the long scar that stretched from Ethan’s shoulder blade down to his waist, all three of them almost stopped breathing.

“W-Who?” Chloe stuttered as she went to touch the scar with her hands. “Who did this to you? I’ll kill them!”

Luna was also very upset when she saw Ethan’s injury. From the look of it, the cut must have been very deep, and it was a miracle that the young man even survived the injury.

“Don’t worry,” Ethan replied without turning around. “That person is already dead.”

The three Assistants, who also stepped around to see Ethan’s back, gasped when they saw the scar.

“Does it hurt?” the Cute First Year asked. “Sometimes, this kind of injury still hurts from time to time, especially during winter. Don’t worry, we will remove it for you. The Professor has a potion that can remove scars like this.”

Ethan turned around and smiled at the cute lady, making the latter’s heart skip a beat.

“It doesn’t hurt,” Ethan replied. “Also, I’d like to keep this scar. I’d appreciate it if you don’t remove it from my body.”

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“Are you sure?” the Oldest of the Three Assistants asked. “It looks scary. Girls might not like it when they see such a thing.”

Ethan nodded. “I’m sure. I’d like to keep it with me as a memento of my travels to the past.”

Seeing that Ethan was firm in his decision, the three assistants no longer insisted and resumed their examination.

They took out their wands and lightly tapped Ethan’s body while chanting some spells. They were looking for strains of diseases that might have accompanied him to the present world.

Fortunately, they didn’t find anything, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

“Okay, now strip your pants,” the Oldest of the Three Assistants said with a serious look on her face. “We also need to check if you have injuries on the lower half of your body.”

Due to how serious her expression was, Ethan nodded and didn’t hesitate to take off his pants, leaving only his boxer shorts.

This time, Chloe didn’t hesitate to stand in front of Ethan and blocked the vision of the three assistants.

“Hey! This isn’t part of the examination anymore,” Chloe stated.

Luna also stood beside Ethan and glared at the three assistants, making them flinch.

The two beautiful ladies were like two swans protecting their egg. They were quite fierce as well, so the three ladies who wanted to take a peek at Ethan’s assets were intimidated.

At this moment, the door of the other room opened, and Professor Ganela came out with Lily.

When they saw Ethan, the Old Professor couldn’t help but chuckle because she had an idea about what was happening.

“Come with me, boy,” Professor Ganela made a gesture. “I’ll conduct a proper examination for you.”

Ethan nodded and raised his pants before walking towards the Professor.

However, as he passed Lily, the handsome young man planted a kiss on her cheek before closing the door behind him.

This made Lily stiffen, not expecting that Ethan would do something like that out of the blue.

Ethan, who had just closed the door behind him, blinked once then twice before facepalming.

He had completely forgotten that they were no longer in the past and that he should refrain from doing the things he did with Lily on a daily basis.

“It’s nice to be young,” Professor Ganela commented before shaking her head with a smile. “Okay. Playtime’s over. Let’s do the examination.”

Ethan nodded and pretended not to hear the noise that was coming from the other side of the door.

Deep in his heart, he apologized to Lily and wished that his lover would be able to smooth things out for his sake.