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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 211 A One-Trick Pony
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Chapter 211 A One-Trick Pony

The next day, the students gathered at the Plaza of Beginnings to see who would be chosen to accompany the delegation that would be sent to Nightfall Academy.

Professor Rinehart had already announced the names of the students who were exempt from the drawing of ballots.

For the First Years, it was Ethan and Nicole.

For the Second Years, it was the Scarlet Witch, Garnet Estrea.

(A/N: The witch that Langston fought at the start of the story).

For the Third Years, it was Rowan Oswald, who happened to be Luna’s older brother.

As for the Fourth Years, it was none other than the Head Prefect of Dud Manor, Henry Weiss.

These were the students who would lead their fellow wizards and accompany them to Nightfall Academy.

“I’m sure that all of you are excited to see who will become the representatives of the academy, so without further delay, let’s start the drawing of ballots,” Professor Rinehart announced. “Professor Barret, please do the honor.”

The Ex-Magistratus nodded his head and summoned his wand.

Over the past two days, students of the academy had written their names on a piece of paper and dropped them into the Ballot Box.

The Ballot Box was no ordinary Box. It was a treasure made by the Founder of Schwartz Manor, Agmundr Schwartz.

According to the legend, this Ballot Box was imbued with the Magics of Fate and Luck.

Because of this, the Ballot Box had always been used since the founding of the academy for various events, especially ones that could affect the academy’s prestige and influence.

“We will now draw the name of the first-year student that will go to Nightfall Academy,” Professor Barret said before waving his wand.

A moment later, a shower of sparks erupted from the ballot box, and a name appeared for everyone to see.

“Brock Blackwell.”

“Now, we will draw the names of the two Second Years,” Professor Barret announced.

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Waving his wand, another shower of sparks appeared above the Ballot Box, showing two names.

“Luna Oswald.”

“Emma Harper.”

Ethan and Nicole were pleasantly surprised upon seeing that the name of two people that they were familiar with had been chosen by the Ballot Box.

Rowan, who was Luna’s Big Brother, had a frown on his face after seeing his sister’s name appear in front of him.

Clearly, he wasn’t happy with the result of the ballot drawing.

Ethan arched an eyebrow after seeing Emma’s name on the list of people who would join them.

She was his “Promised One”, and after spending a year in the Lands of Alastor, he had chatted a lot with his other half. One of the things he heard from the other was the Meredith Clan, which Emma was a part of.

Professor Barret once again waved his hand to call out the name of the Third Years.

“Brenna Rosewood.”

“Odelia Burke.”

Professor Barret paused for a bit before waving his hand for the last time to draw the names of the Fourth Years who would be going to Nightfall Academy.

“Sabrina Hayden.”

“Zane Blackbane.”

Professor Barret then nodded at the Headmaster of the Academy, passing the rest to him.

Professor Rinehart smiled as he called out the names of the students and asked them to come up on the platform, where the other representatives were currently standing.

Luna walked towards the platform and stood beside Ethan.

Emma, on the other hand, was wearing her usual “deadpan” appearance and stood with a bored look on her face.

When all the students whose names had been drawn from the ballot box were on the elevated platform, Professor Rinehart gave all of them a silver badge, which had the emblem of Nightfall Academy on it.

“These are the gate passes that will allow you to enter Nightfall Academy,” Professor Rinehart stated. “Make sure to wear them at all times, and don’t explore on your own. Always travel in groups of two or three if you plan to wander around the academy grounds.

“Lastly, do your best to get along with the other exchange students, and try not to start fights with anyone. Troublemakers will not be tolerated, so take this seriously, understood?”

All the representatives nodded their heads in understanding.

“You have three weeks to make your preparations,” Professor Rinehart explained. “Remember, all of you will be representing the academy, so I expect all of you to be in your best behavior.”

After telling the representatives a few more reminders, the Headmaster thanked everyone for attending the event.

Everyone left the Plaza of Beginnings after that, and those who were chosen had very excited looks on their faces.

With the exception of one person who followed behind the first years that were all heading to Dud Manor.

“Luna, why did you join this exchange student program?” Rowan Oswald asked his sister with a solemn expression on his face. “This is not a game. We are entering a Legacy Gate. Are you out of your mind?”

Luna lowered her head because she felt intimidated by Rowan’s gaze, making Ethan frown.

“Go talk to the Headmaster and relinquish your spot,” Rowan insisted. “You made a mistake in joining this event.”

Seeing that Luna’s body was shaking, Ethan placed himself between the angelic beauty and her brother who was using intimidation against his sister.

“Luna is old enough to make her own decisions,” Ethan stated. “It would be much appreciated if you stop looking down on her too much.”

“This is a family matter,” Rowan snorted. “Stand aside, Ethan Gremory. Don’t think that a one-trick pony like you can act tough in front of me.”

Ethan didn’t reply to Rowan’s words and instead looked at Nicole, who was standing on the side with an amused expression on her face.

Clearly, the young beauty was very interested in the drama that was unfolding in front of her and wanted to see it until the end.

Unfortunately, Ethan didn’t have any intention of letting her have her way.

“Nicole, please escort Luna back to Dud Manor,” Ethan said. “I need to talk to her brother a bit.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” Rowan glared. “Get out of the way before I lose my patience.”

The Third Year was about to use a palm strike to push Ethan aside, but the young man caught his wrist and held it in a vice grip.

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Rowan frowned, not expecting that the teenage boy would successfully neutralize his strike, let alone do so with ease.

Although he didn’t put much force into it because he had no intention of giving Ethan any serious injury, he was still surprised that the handsome young man was able to react on time.

“Ethan…” Luna tugged on Ethan’s robe and shook her head.

Ethan nodded and released Rowan’s wrist, making the latter look at him from head to toe.

“It seems that it's not only your hair that had grown after you entered that Nexus,” Rowan said in a cold tone. “Your guts have grown as well.”

Ethan ignored Rowan’s words and simply said what was on his mind.

“You don’t have to worry about Luna’s safety,” Ethan stated. “I’ll protect her and keep her safe.”

“Like I said, this is a family matter. This is none of your business,” Rowan said.

But before Ethan could give his reply, Luna, who was standing behind him, stepped forward and looked her brother in the eye.

“Brother, I am going,” Luna declared. “If you get in my way, I will ignore you until this school year is over.”

Rowan, who was like a lion ready to fight Ethan to the death, suddenly paled.

“Luna, I’m only worried about your safety,” Rowan said in a calm manner. “I’m not joking. Entering a Legacy Gate is dangerous.”

“I know,” Luna replied. “That's why I am going. I can’t let him face danger alone again. Brother, I already made my decision. Don’t get in my way.”

The angelic beauty then held Ethan’s hand and pulled him away with a determined look on her face.

Nicole, who witnessed the drama from start to end, found it quite amusing.

Ethan, who was being pulled away, looked at Rowan’s dejected face before shifting his attention to the beautiful young lady who was holding his hand.

‘He might be one of those Siscon Brothers I've read about in the library,’ Ethan thought. ‘Still, I didn’t expect Luna to stand up to her brother like that. She is bolder than I thought.’

The handsome young man smiled as he lightly squeezed Luna’s hand, which had yet to let go of his. This made her face redden, but she kept walking forward as if nothing was happening.

A few minutes later, they arrived back in their Manor where Henry was waiting for them.

As the one designated to be the leader of the Brynhildr Delegation, he had some things to say to his two members who would accompany him to Nightfall Academy.

The exchange student program wasn't a simple event, but more of a political approach to see the standards of the students of the magical world. Since Brynhildr Academy was the most Prestigious Academy in Eastshire, they had to make sure to make an impression to the people, who were planning something from behind the shadows.