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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 220  Five Year Agreement [Part 1]
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220  Five Year Agreement [Part 1]

“… What did you just say?” Soren clenched his fists so hard that crackling sounds could be heard. “You want to have more than one wife, and you dare tell me that my daughter is one of them?”

Usually, Chloe’s father was a man of few words. However, every time his emotions got the better of him, he would speak his thoughts out loud without holding back.

“Yes,” Ethan replied. “I hope that you can give us your blessings.”

“Oi, bastard. Just who do you think you are?” Soren grabbed Ethan’s shirt and pulled him close to him. “You’re just a country boy, and suddenly, you have the guts to spout this nonsense after becoming a Wizard? If this is a joke, it’s not funny.”

“It’s not a joke,” Ethan replied as he held Soren’s gaze. “I am serious.”

“Bastard!” Soren raised his fist and punched Ethan’s face.

However, the handsome young man blocked the punch with the palm of his hand.

Enraged that his fist didn’t hit its target, Soren growled and pushed Ethan away.

Or at least, he tried to push him away.

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However, Ethan didn’t budge because his strength now surpassed that of the ordinary human after gaining the blood essence of a deity.

“F-Father, please calm down,” Chloe tried to diffuse the situation by calling out to her father. “Ethan just wants t—”

“Shut up!” Soren snapped at his daughter, making Chloe wince. “I will not allow you to become this bastard’s fiance!”

Soren hatefully glared at Ethan, but the latter held his gaze with a calm expression on his face.

Jessica, who was watching this from the side, frowned. But unlike her husband, she was a lot calmer as she looked at Ethan with an appraising gaze.

“Sister, did you perhaps plant this idea in Ethan’s head?” Jessica asked Agnes, who was calmly sipping her coffee.

“Of course not,” Agnes replied. “Actually, I lost my temper as well when this boy made that declaration. If we didn’t have guests at that time, I might have already slapped Ethan silly with my flip-flops.”

Soren, who thought that he finally gained an ally, looked at Agnes with a solemn expression on his face.

“Then help me convince your grandson that what he is proposing is a mistake,” Soren stated. “I don’t know if he is only saying these things because he saw many beautiful ladies after going to the academy. Maybe he can’t make his decision, so instead of choosing, he just decided to have his own harem. But I will not allow my daughter to be part of this nonsense!”

Agnes finished drinking her coffee and placed it on top of the table. She then sighed before looking at Chloe’s father with a helpless expression on her face.

“Look, Soren, I'm not going to find fault in what you are trying to do,” Agnes replied. “Believe me, I also felt the same way. But if you think about it carefully, Nobles are able to have multiple wives. Since that is the case, why can’t my grandson do the same?”

Soren scoffed. “Nobles can do it because they have the money, influence, and reputation. Just in case you forgot, your grandson is just a country bumpkin. He is not a Noble. This boy doesn’t have the funds to support a big family.”

Soren then stared at Ethan before saying the rest of his thoughts.

“Boy, I have a very good impression of you because you grew up with Chloe. However, you just broke all the goodwill I have for you when you spouted this nonsense.”

Ethan nodded his head. “Your points are valid, Uncle. I am indeed a country boy, and I am not a Noble. However, there is one thing that I don’t lack, and that is money.”

Jessica arched an eyebrow after hearing Ethan’s claims. “Are you talking about your monthly stipend from the academy? I heard about it from my brothers who studied there in the past.”

The Gremory Family was also a family of Wizards. However, they weren’t a prominent family, so not many people knew about them.

Ethan smiled before standing up from the couch and walking towards the living room.

“Please follow me,” Ethan replied. “I would like to show you something.”

Jessica and Soren glanced at each other before they both stood up to follow Ethan.

Chloe, Agnes, and Benjamin also followed behind them, curious about what Ethan was planning to show them.

Luna and Emma were currently together in the guest room because Ethan didn’t want them to become Soren’s targets when he lost his temper. The handsome young man had a feeling that things would go south.

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Having considered this, he decided to play it safe and took measures to prevent the two ladies from gaining Soren’s ire.

When everyone arrived at the living room, Ethan spread the palm of his hand and activated his ring.

A moment later, countless gold coins fell from the palm of his hand, making tinkling sounds as they hit the floor.

Agnes’, Benjamin’s, Chloe’s, Soren’s, and Jessica’s eyes widened in shock as they looked at this unbelievable scene.

The gold coins seemed endless as they nearly filled up half of the living room. But when everyone thought that Ethan was just going to drop gold coins, countless precious gems started falling on the floor, making Agnes' body shake in excitement.

“W-We’re rich!” Agnes stuttered.

Even Benjamin was speechless because he didn’t expect his grandson to have this much treasure. Even now, the number of gems that were falling from his hand seemed endless.

A minute later, the gems stopped falling and it was replaced by pearls of all sizes that rolled across the stack of treasures like marbles.

Before Ethan left the Lands of Alastor, he had taken the treasure of the Necromancer, which the latter had gathered over hundreds of years.

The Kobolds gave him precious gems that they had excavated as they expanded their nest deep underground.

As for the pearls, Ethan would swim in the sea to collect them on a regular basis.

Truth be told, he had only shown a fifth of all the treasures in his possession. He was afraid that if he poured out everything he had, everyone might get buried in a pile of treasures.

Soren and Jessica glanced at each other in disbelief.

One of the main reasons why Soren was angry was because he thought that Ethan was not taking marriage seriously. If he didn’t have the means to support his family, then it was not only him that

would suffer, but his wives as well.