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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 324 Legacy Vs Legacy [Part 1]
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Chapter 324 Legacy Vs Legacy [Part 1]

Ethan was debating whether he should go to the garden and ask the fairies for help or not.

However, since Sebastian had asked him to not use any magic and rely solely on his Legacy, he couldn’t focus on his classes due to worry.

None of the students in the academy, with the exception of those who had gone to Nightfall Academy, knew that this wasn’t the first time that Ethan and Cedric would be having a duel.

Chloe, Luna, and Lilian were very worried about Ethan.

Lily and Nicole, on the other hand, were looking forward to it. Both of them were the competitive type, and they wanted to see the outcome of this battle.

Lily wasn’t too worried about Ethan this time because he wasn’t fighting someone on the same level as her older brother. She believed that, as long as the gap wasn’t too big, her lover would emerge victorious.

This wasn’t just blind trust.

This was a belief that gradually formed after battling against Ethan multiple times, as well as witnessing the battles her lover fought in the Lands of Alastor.

Of course, the ladies didn’t know that the handsome young man was feeling a bit pressured because he felt stripped of his ability to fight using his full powers.

Cedric was strong.

There was no question about it.

If not for the fact that he had acquired the help of the Fairies of Nightfall Academy, he would not have won their duel back then.

Lilian told him that her brother had trained exceptionally hard in order to challenge him a second time.

This meant that the Cedric he would be fighting today would fight with everything he had, and the entirety of Brynhildr Academy would be there to witness it.

A sigh escaped Ethan’s lips as he thought about the upcoming battle. It was also at this moment that a spray of water hit his face, making his classmates giggle.

“Ethan, stop daydreaming in my class,” Professor Njal said in a disapproving tone. “It seems that he’s still not awake. Wake him up, please.”

The three mischievous water sprites, who were swimming in a meter-tall transparent cauldron, started to spray water on Ethan while his classmates scattered to prevent themselves from getting wet.

Lilian, who had joined the class as a temporary student, hurriedly raised her wand and gave it a wave.

A moment later, the water sprays stopped a meter away from Ethan before returning to their owners, drowning them in water.

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But, instead of being pissed, the water sprite thought that Lilian was playing with them, so they happily sprayed water in her direction as well.

Soon, a battle between ones who specialized in the water elements ensued.

Since the water sprites that Professor Njal had brought in today’s class lived in rivers and lakes, their water attacks were easily deflected or returned by Lilian because of her superb control over water.

Ethan was quite impressed by this sudden turn of events and gained enlightenment on the spot.

This battle had shown him that if two magic users fought against each other using the same element, the one with the higher proficiency over that element could overpower their opponent.

The Water Sprites were powerful Water Spirits, so their control over the water element was very high.

If not for the fact that Lilian had awakened a portion of her Legacy, she would have lost to them in combat. It also turned out that once all four of them became serious, the battle would come to a stalemate.

Professor Njal and the students of Brynhildr Academy were very impressed by Lilian's performance, even applauding her for her incredible display of magic power.

This earned Ethan jealous stares from his classmates, and some even cursed him under their breath for being a womanizer and stealing the hearts of beautiful witches who had great magical potential.

“That was amazing, Ms. Raylight,” Professor Njal said as he clapped his hands. “Bravo!”

Lilian smiled and gave a brief curtsy to everyone, making them applaud her more.

Even the Water Sprites were also clapping because they had a lot of fun playing with Lilian. The lesson ended, and everyone left with smiles on their faces.

“You were great back there,” Ethan commented, making Lilian’s smile widen.

“It is all thanks to you, Sir Ethan,” Lilian replied. “Because of you, I have awakened my potential.”

“Stop calling me Sir. Close friends don’t use honorifics for each other.”

“Thank you, Ethan.”


Chloe and Lily, who were walking a few steps behind the two, gave each other knowing glances.

Ethan had already explained to them his relationship with Lilian and asked the two girls to not antagonize her.

Lily didn’t mind because she had already told Ethan that she would allow him to have five wives.

Chloe, on the other hand, was still having a hard time accepting the concept of polygamy.

Luna was also fine with it since it was very common practice for nobles of high standing. The only problem at the moment was that Ethan didn’t have any noble titles to his name.

However, whether he had a noble title or not, Luna and Lily didn’t really care. They had already chosen him as their lover, and they would stick to their decision.

“How confident are you in winning against my Brother?” Lilian asked as she walked side by side with Ethan as they headed to Dud Manor.

“Who do you want to win between us?” Ethan asked back in a teasing tone.

Lilian immediately had a conflicted look on her face as this was a very hard question for her. She had to choose between her family and the person she liked, and truth be told, she didn’t want to pick someone out of the two of them.

“Forget my question,” Ethan said after seeing that Lilian was having a hard time giving an answer. He didn't want to make her feel troubled, so he decided to stop teasing her. “As to how confident I am in beating your brother today, I can only say that I'm not that confident. I don’t want to admit it, but your brother is pretty strong, Lilian.”

Hearing her crush praise her brother made Lilian feel better. She no longer worried about who would win the duel between Cedric and Ethan.

She just wanted to get it over with so that she would no longer have to be conflicted about which side she wanted to win.

A few minutes before the scheduled time of the duel…

The Grand Coliseum was packed, and all the students who didn’t have any classes at that time came to watch the battle.

Even the Professors whose classes coincided with the duel asked their students to accompany them to the Grand Coliseum to show their support for their academy.

Langston and his cronies were all looking forward to seeing Ethan lose against Cedric.

He knew how powerful Cedric was since he had once personally asked to have a friendly spar with him.

Langston didn’t even last half a minute against Cedric, even when he used his full power right away.

This proved to show the difference in their abilities, which made him certain that Ethan had finally found his match and would soon suffer defeat in front of everyone in the academy.

Faint rumbling sounds could be heard above the Coliseum as dark clouds covered the sun.

Professor Rinehart had already activated the barrier of the Grand Coliseum, shielding those who were seated at the stands from getting wet from the rain.

“Such bad weather,” Professor Ophelia commented. “I hope their duel finishes soon.”

A moment later, the sound of cheers came from the stands as Cedric walked toward the arena, equipped with his full battle regalia.

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Despite the dark clouds above him, he was emitting a light that made everyone glance in his direction.

Truth be told, many Witches in the academy had become smitten with him due to how handsome he was.

So despite the fact that he was from a rival academy, he still found support among the ladies of Brynhildr Academy.

“Traitors.” Chloe scoffed after seeing the hateful guy, who wished to steal her best friend from her cousin, gain the support of her schoolmates.

Luna, who was seated beside her and petting Selene, could only smile after hearing her best friend’s remark.

A few minutes later, Ethan also appeared, which made everyone, especially the ladies, arch their eyebrows.

The handsome young man, who was currently walking toward the arena, wasn't wearing any upper clothes, allowing everyone to see his deity-like physique, making Lilian’s mouth hang wide open.

“… Well, I’ll be damned,” Clara commented from the side. “Now I understand why you have the hots for him. Do you think he likes someone older than him as well?”

Lilian completely ignored her senior as her entire face became beet red.

The Witches from Brynhildr Academy were enjoying the eye candy in front of them, with some of the bolder ones even whistling to show their appreciation.

“Damn! This guy is at it again!” a First Year gritted his teeth in annoyance.

“Sh*t. If I knew he looked like that, I would have started exercising seriously a year ago.” A Second Year clenched his fist.

“Although I hate to admit it, his confidence and bearing are truly attractive. Not to mention that body. Damn, if I were a girl I’d definitely fall for him.”

“Why are the heavens unfair?”

The Witches on the other hand also started to become rowdy.

“Ethan! Marry me!”

“I want your baby!”

“I’m still single!”

“Can I call you Daddy as well?!”

Professor Rinehart couldn’t help but shake his head as he looked at his students who were cursing and praising Ethan at the same time.

Some of the guys even started booing, showing their displeasure at his display of manliness, catching the attention of all the ladies in the academy.

“This brat sure knows how to make an entrance,” Professor Barret chuckled.

After seeing the dark clouds in the sky and hearing the faint rumble in the heavens, Ethan finally understood why Sebastian chose to fight at this time and even asked him to not use any magic.

A storm had brewed in the skies of Brynhildr Academy, and for Ethan who was restricted to only using his Legacy, this was the perfect condition to test if he had the ability to use this opportunity to his advantage.