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Young Demon

Chapter 14 Unexpected Change
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Daniel walked towards Augustus who was kneeling on the ground, his index finger was pointing to his forehead, and as if suddenly a small ball of light came out of his finger and entered his forehead.

"Find the key, and destroy anyone who stands in your way," Daniel said with a straight and emotionless face without looking at Augustus.

Augustus, whose latitude coordinates and information about what Daniel was looking for entered his mind, bowed again, "As you wish, excellent," and then disappeared.

The so-called key that he was looking for was very important, but getting it will attract the attention of many factions and clans and cause a lot of problems for him, but considering what he gets in the end, it can be said that it's worth it.

Daniel glanced at the other old man who was kneeling on the ground and could feel his feelings of prejudice and respect towards himself.

"For now, there is no need to do anything else and continue with your previous mission, which is to protect us." Although Daniel had other plans, he did not want to be left without a guard.

Especially since there was a possibility that something unexpected might happen during the birthday party, he didn't want to take a dangerous risk

"Protecting the excellent is the duty of this old servant," the old man named Zephyr bowed again before disappearing into the void.

Although it wasn't much, if someone paid attention, he could see the satisfaction in Daniel's eyes

"Show my sister's feelings and those old men ." Then he remembered something and asked the system

He had forgotten to see the affection of his sister and his two slaves, his sister was probably over 200 in his opinion, while the two old men should be 300.

[Augustus: MAX]

[Zephir: MAX]


Looking at the affection status, it can be considered that Daniel was right.

Daniel yawned, considering the events of today he was a bit tired but there were still many things to think about.

Although since these things take place in the future, he decided to get some sleep, while returning to the hut he remembered that he still had not thought of a name for the secret organization he wanted to create.

Probably soon his organization will have more members, so Daniel should consider a name for the organization as soon as possible

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Daniel entered the hut and went to the bed where Eva was sleeping and lay down on it, hugged his sister from behind, and pulled the blanket over himself.

Then he fell asleep feeling the natural smell of his sister while her ass pressed against his dick


Roland City shortly after the end of Eva and Daniel's sex

Contrary to the Lancey city where Daniel is currently staying, the sky was clear and summer-like, but it was raining in Roland city and the sky was dark and gloomy.

The sounds of thunder and lightning could be heard every ten seconds, scaring the little kids

"Damn, why would two King Realm experts have to appear in such areas," a young man's voice could be heard complaining in a luxurious room in a relatively expensive and luxurious hotel in Roland City.

The young man whose voice was heard is a teenage boy in his sixteen years of age with short black hair and blood-like red eyes.

His face is extremely handsome, and his height reaches 177 cm, because of the terrible deep wounds that are on his body, his body is bandaged and you can easily see the muscles of his stomach and arms.

His stomach is four-pack, but he has no arm muscles, he was currently wearing only a pair of black pants, and the rest of his body was bandaged.

In general, it can be said that he was a handsome boy, but if you were to compare him with Daniel, it should be said that he is several leagues lower, he is attractive, but only his handsomeness cannot make women fall in love with him.

On the contrary, Daniel is so handsome that his face alone is more than enough to get countless women's hearts

The boy was sitting on a rather large bed that was big enough for two people, and he was frowning as if he was very angry about something.

"Hehe, you don't need to be so angry, little boy it was just a failure, anyway, it's not like you can win against the experts of the King's Realm even if you're a genius."

As this sound spread in the room, suddenly a small figure whose size reached thirty centimeters appeared on his shoulder.

This figure had long black hair and white eyes, her lips were red like blood, and her skin was white like a dead body, but it increased her beauty.

Two red horns were sticking out from the front of her head, she was not wearing any pants, and only black panties covered her private parts, because of this, her thin and long legs could be seen.

Her breasts were small, but instead, she had a very shapely and fat ass, she was wearing a short black dress with red parts and a devilish carving.

Instead of being beautiful, she can be considered a superior seductress whose face can even attract the attention of the gods

Her voice was very seductive and flirtatious as if this is her way of speaking

"What does a succubus understand?" The boy ignored the voice of the seductive demon sitting on his shoulder

"Hmph, little Lily you should talk to a beautiful woman like me, with respect" The seductress woman was not at all pleased with the tone the boy was talking to her.

The boy didn't pay the slightest attention to the words of the beautiful woman sitting on his shoulders and started thinking of a solution to the problem he was facing.

His name was Lionel Nova, and he is the middle son of the Nova family, a Count family in the Paradise Empire, until a few months ago he was just a talentless trash, but suddenly he got the inheritance of the Magic god.

He became a heavenly genius, and since then he performed many miracles for his family and slapped everyone face who mocked him in the past.

He is also the world child, or in simpler words, the main protagonist of this world, although there is a secret that he has been hiding from everyone, even his closest people, for several months.

He is a time regressor! He belongs to the future, but for some reason, he was reincarnated in the past

It should be known that there was no such thing even in the main ! An unexpected change!

In another timeline, he becomes a legendary magic saint and gets the title of the strongest mage in the world, but suddenly enters the tomb of the evil god and then he died

When he opened his eyes again, he realized that he had been reincarnated in his youth when he had not yet obtained the inheritance of the Magic God.

He was very excited and happy, after all, it should be known that in his past life, he was talentless trash but he was able to become a legendary being.

Now that he also knows the future, with the inheritance of the Magic god, he is sure that he can even pass through the realm of the magic saint.

The succubus in front of him is a very special demons race that is almost on the verge of extinction, he found this succubus sealed away for countless years on the top floor of the Magic god Tomb

The Magic god tomb had eight floors, and the inheritance was on the seventh floor. In his past life, he could not reach the eighth floor, but in this life, he succeeded and was able to find the legendary queen of a succubus who served the magic god in the past.

Even if he faced two King Realm experts and lost a mana stone, he shouldn't be too angry. After all, he has lived for hundreds of years and has a strong mental state.

But the reason for his anger has nothing to do with the mana stone, but with one of his wives, Eva Hudson in the other timeline, he saved Eva Hudson and makes her his wife.

But he did not succeed in saving that girl in this life, when he later returned to the area where Eva was attacked, he noticed the place of a palm and splashed blood on the ground.

In this way, he realized that his wife was saved but he doesn't know by whom, he had guessed Eva Hudson's guards appeared.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But such events have not happened in the other timeline and it has made him very suspicious and cautious, he is not really in love with Eva Hudson and does not care about her, but Eva Hudson is very important to his plans, such as his plan to conquer the Paradise empire.

Without Eva Hudson, he faces many problems in his plans, which is why he was frowning and is very angry.

While he was looking for a way to make Eva Hudson fall in love with him in the future, he suddenly felt a terrible pain in his heart and the depths of his soul.

"Akhhh ahhh it hurts damn it," he suddenly screamed terribly, causing the succubus queen to notice his pain as well.

"What's wrong?" The Succubus Queen also known as Lilith frowned as she noticed his pain.

"I don't know, just once my heart and soul hurt, damn, the pain is terrible." Lionel was lying on the ground and was pressing his chest with both hands.

The pain he felt was terrible, even worse than when he experienced the death

Lilith began to examine his body and when she saw the results she was horrified and sweat poured down Lilith's face, "This is not possible."

Naturally, as the succubus queen, she is a demon who has passed through the legendry saint realm and she easily can understand Lionel's problem

Lilith realized that a huge part of Lionel's luck and fate was being erased, the volume was so huge that if he was a normal person he would be killed on the spot.

The reason for Lilith's fear was that the removal of such a large amount of fate required an existential intervention at the level of the gods, she was afraid that the stupid boy in front of her had caused the gods to become angry and personally intervened.

"What's wrong? Ahkhh damn" Lionel couldn't see Lilith's panic, but he heard her voice

"It's okay, the pain will stop soon." Lilith didn't dare to tell Lionel the truth, which might cause more problems.

Lionel couldn't even hear anything anymore, the pain was so terrible that he had lost all ability to hear and speak.

After a few seconds that seemed like millions of years to Lionel, he suddenly passed out, Lilith looked at Lionel and sighed in relief.

The process of eliminating fate and luck had been stopped, but still, the boy in front of her had lost a huge luck and fate that could be very dangerous and problematic in the future.


Lionel Photo

Lilith Photo


( A/N: If you don't know where to spend your stones, I will be happy for you guys to spend them here :-:

And is there any suggestion for the name of the secret organization? )