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Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player-Novel

Chapter 177 Aatrox Vs. Vidal (II)
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After this gauntlet appeared, it was as if Vidal's entire demeanor changed.

He gained an imposing presence that made the sand around him tremble as if he were the second coming of some ancient desert emperor with complete sovereignty over his surroundings.

Kieran twirled Crimson Ashrune and lowered his stance while preparing for Vidal's approach. After all, Kieran didn't make that comment for no reason.

It was a plan devised after learning of Vidal's relationship with Deserea inside the Deep Sands Chamber.

After learning of Vidal's rating, Kieran understood he was a formidable opponent that would require unorthodox methods to overcome, especially if he was to perform this battle alone.


Vidal slammed his foot into the ground and punched forward. This action gathered sand in the form of a giant fist that inflated until it was the size of the expanded corridor. Vidal's fury-driven attack left no route for escape.

As the attack neared Kieran, dense crimson gases seeped from his body and solidified, forming a translucent crimson barrier. This barrier was naturally the Sacfricial Barrier attached to Crimson Ashrune that Kieran had yet to employ until now.


The fist collided with the Sacrificial Barrier, and the entire thing trembled, but Kieran remained stable, unaffected by the force of Vidal's attack.

-1,675 «Sacrifical Barrier: 11,725/13,400»

Although Kieran remained stable, Vidal's one attack depleted the Sacrificial Barrier's durability by more than 10%. It could only withstand another seven hits before it shattered completely.

But, Kieran remained rooted in place while watching Vidal unleash a rapid series of different movements.

Bang! Bang!

Each attack reduced the Sacrificial Barrier's stability, ranging from 8 to 13% per attack.

'His movements are similar to the martial artist type from earlier, but he also incorporates long-range control attacks.'

Kieran continued to analyze Vidal's actions before considering his options. 'Ruinous Negation? No, it's not worth the threat of severe Mental Weakness. Abhorrent Paroxysm? No. There's still the matter of the Head Brigand. Walking into that battle at an initial disadvantage would be foolish.'

As he pondered his options, Kieran peeked at the growing cracks on the barrier's exterior. 'I'm running out of time.'

There was Deranged Spirit, but using that skill now meant Kieran couldn't rely upon it in times of crisis for another 24 hours. Retreat would be impossible once everyone learned of their presence, so using it now wasn't ideal.

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Deranged Spirit should be saved for times of peril, which Kieran didn't classify this as.

Then, it hit Kieran. He understood how to overcome his current predicament.

〈System: Do you wish to level up «Sanguine Slashes»? [ Y | N ]〉

"Yes," Kieran decided.

〈System: Sanguine Slashes has reached its maximum level. To increase the skill ceiling, please advance your class.〉

At the same time….

〈System: Your Agility has risen to 550!〉

Kieran wasn't worried about insufficient damage output. However, he was concerned about reaching Vidal. That frightening casting speed was a problem that could only be overcome with more raw speed and increased range.

Thus, Kieran consumed most of his Unassigned Attribute Points to increase his Agility. The closer his Agility approached his Strength, the faster his explosive movements would become. Strength and Agility worked hand in hand to achieve acceleration.

Two seconds after making this decision, the Sacrificial Barrier shattered.

Vidal revealed a cold smirk while stifling his chuckle. "You're only prolonging the inevitable. I will obtain vengeance for my beloved."

Numerous sand twisters converged on Kieran's current position, but he lifted his head and returned a confident stare. "Not vengeance. You'll receive a first-class ticket to meet your beloved."


Kieran erupted with an astonishing burst of speed but controlled the backlash well. He weaved through Vidal's sand twisters, seemingly disappearing with each step while the Vampiric Blood Encrustation enveloping Crimson Ashrune gained an additional viscous coating.

Kieran slashed his blade. It was a simple attack, but an arc of blood akin to the ones created during Crimson Barrage split from his blade and traveled toward Vidal at incredible speeds.

Once, twice, thrice....

Kieran relentlessly slashed his greatsword until the color red deluged the sand corridor. This wasn't Blood Wave, Crimson Barrage, or Crimson Current that accomplished this feat—it was all basic attacks.

As for the reason why? It was related to Sanguine Slashes' current level.

Kieran had dumped an ungodly amount of Skill Points into its despite the fact it was only a C Rank Skill. Its effects were too valuable to ignore.

Moreover, it was a crucial part of Kieran's power because Sanguine Slashes ensured that his attacks inflicted Bleed stacks upon his opponents.

"What is this power you wield?" Vidal pursed his lips and punched the ground.

An immense surge of sand arose from the ground, attempting to swallow the incoming attacks, but it didn't go as planned.

The sand corridor was filled with red and beige as Kieran's attack and Vidal's counterattack clashed against each other. The hall trembled and expanded further as the walls thinned, bleeding into the lower members' private quarters.

Their battle grew destructive enough to morph their surroundings. Even if it wasn't the strongest of materials, this hideout was sturdy, seeing as it hadn't suffered any collapses despite being so far underground.

But, poke enough holes in even the sturdiest of walls, and it'll eventually come crumbling down.

This was true because most of the decayed sand pockets in the Deserts of Crumbling Sands and Treacherous Sands were collapsed Sand Worm networks that had previously suffered from mysterious structural compromises.

As these two attacks clashed against one another, Desertborn Brigand members noticed Vidal's presence.

"Vice Head!"

"Should we assist you in apprehending the

Kieran peered through the small gap in their clash and noticed many enemies entering his range. Not his attack range, but his sensing range. As a result, notifications continued to compile before Kieran's eyes.

〈System: Your stacks of «Hunt» has increased to 15.〉

〈System: Your stacks of «Hunt» has risen to 36.〉

〈System: Your stacks of «Hunt» has risen to 54.〉

〈System: «Predator Hunt» is now accessible if you wish to use it.〉

Kieran eyed the last notification after recalling its presence.

Predator Hunt was a vague and unique ability attached to his strengthened Vengeful Soul. Because it required numerous enemies, fulfilling the requirements to activate it was challenging.

In fact, times of war or invasion-style quests like the one Kieran currently embarked on were some of the limited options to acquire so many enemies.

Nevertheless, since Kieran didn't wish to use up his last reserve abilities, he opted for this foreign ability. Not only was he curious about Predator Hunt's uses, but also its effects.

In the end, it stemmed from his Vengeful Soul. It couldn't be straightforward.

Kieran's long, frayed hair swayed erratically as it lengthened and thickened like an enraged beast's mane. Small but defined veins

〈System: You have entered «Predator Hunt».〉

〈System: While «Predator Hunt» is active, all enemies within sensing range are marked as «Prey».〉

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〈System: During «Predator Hunt», the user's Attack and Movement Speed are increased by 200%, and attacks on «Prey» have a higher chance of becoming Criticals.〉

〈System: «Prey» killed during «Predator Hunt» replenishes two stacks of Hunt.〉Follow current s on (f)ire

〈System: «Predator Hunt»'s current duration: 50 seconds. [Expending 1 «Hunt» stack can increase the duration by 1 second.]〉

The effects of Predator Hunt filled Kieran's limbs with vigor as his expression grew savage yet enticed. Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and a higher Critical Rate—the trifecta for causing mayhem on any large-scale battlefield.

Vidal noticed the change in Kieran's appearance. 'Is this some kind of beast in human form?'


Whoosh! Bang!

An explosive noise trailed behind Kieran's movements. The movement speed amplifications supplied enough of a boost that he was slightly faster than the speed of sound for this brief instance.

As he punctured the everlasting battle between the Sanguine Slashes and Vidal's sand twisters, Kieran appeared as a crimson blur. Kieran ignored the damage he suffered from his reckless actions because a burst of vitality flooded his body.

"Vim Restoration!"

A True Berserker wasn't just an individual who was brutal to their opponent. Their actions were also harmful to themselves. Kieran understood this after studying the skills he awakened.

Many of them, like Vim Restoration and Death Avoidance, were designed to prolong his life even if he suffered mortal wounds. However, Agrianos had once warned him that this power wasn't a friendly one; it was destructive on all counts.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Kieran flashed past Vidal, and in the process, three heads from Desertborn Henchmen rolled across the ground. Vidal's expression contorted in fury as he cursed the gall of this opponent before him.

He dared to lob off the heads of his subordinates right before him? There was no question of whether those brigands died or not; decapitation was an immediate Execution unless the opponent was some kind of immortal.

A decapitation could only happen if one's weapon was strong enough to sever an opponent's defenses completely. This was a reason Berserkers grew so feared in the later stage.

Many Berserkers acquired skills that could shatter defenses and unleash horrific damage.

'A Berserker might start as one of the Warrior's weakest classes due to their inherently low attack speed, but….'

Kieran spread his arms and emitted a bestial and almost demonic roar. 'I don't suffer from that problem.'

Kieran revealed a gruesome grin with a guttural voice. "Stay there for me, boy. I will raze this pretty little hideout to the ground."

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Vidal's roar shook the corridor as an exquisite spear forged from sand appeared in his grasp. A golden chain wrapped around the chain, extending to where Vidal held it on the shaft.


These two transformations paved the way to an even more deadly duel.