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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 263
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Chapter 263

His arm was barely off Mamie’s neck when the guy seemed to snap back to reality, yelling. “You tricked mel She wouldn’t have agreed!”

He immediately grabbed Mamie’s hand again.

Just then, Jared lunged forward, knocking the gun out of the man’s hand.

The criminal lost his balance, fell backwards and, as luck would have it, grabbed Mamie’s skirt.

Mamie was yanked with such force that she fell backwards as well,

Quick on his feet, Jared rushed over and caught Mamie as the criminal plummeted from the top of the Century Building and vanished from sight.

Mamie was left dangling in mid-air Jared, sprawled on the ground, managed to grip her hand, but his body was sliding forward due to gravity, and his upper body was already at the edge of the rooftop

Agnes had been slowly making her way over. After the event, she rushed over and grabbed one of Jared’s legs, and yelled, “Help! Quick!”

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Everyone around pitched in, and together they pulled the two back up.

No one had expected things to take such a turn.

That had been one hell of a close call

Once back on solid ground, Mamie was in a daze. The normally haughty woman was now shaking like a leaf.

She had just witnessed the criminal fall hundreds of meters from the building to his death.

Now, assistants and other staff were flocking around her, asking if she was okay.

“Mamie, are you alright? We were so worried about you.”

“Mamie, it’s over. Everything will be okay.”

While everyone was comforting her, Jared was patting Mamie’s shoulder, “Mamie, speak! Look at me! Look at me!”

Jared’s voice was stern, like a command, but it was clear he was worried.

Mamie seemed to remember something from the past and shrieked, “Leave me alone! Get out! All of you, get out!”

She began to scream, clutching her head and pulling at her hair like a madwoman.

Everyone was at a loss.

She was safe after all that, so why wasn’t she calm?

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Jared picked Mamie up.

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Mamie clung to his collar like a drowning person clinging to a floating piece of wood, shaking in his arms.

At Hope Hospital.

Agnes and Jared stood outside the ward.

Inside, several nurses were restraining Mamie’s hands, stopping her from moving. The doctor was injecting her with a tranquilizer.

Agnes couldn’t get the image of Mamie’s frenzy out of her head.

She had been curled up in a comer, refusing to let anyone near her, as if the whole world was against her

This obviously wasn’t just due to the shock she had just experienced, but due to a deeper psychological reason.

Finally, Mamie calmed down and seemed to fall asleep on the bed.

Agnes asked Jared, “Why did she suddenly act like that?”

Jared was silent for a while before replying, “When she was a child, she was deliberately pushed off a rooftop. She fell into a swimming pool and nearly drowned. It was a traumatic experience from her childhood. Today’s incident probably triggered her most painful memories, which is why she reacted the way she did”

Agnes was taken aback. She had no idea that Mamie had been through such a horrifying experience
