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Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 151 Recruiting The Cat
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The invisible spell cast by Levienel was still in effect even after she went away. This magic could last for a long time on its own, which made Zick praise the one who created it.

The mythical beast started asking the same question as Levienel: " At what level of strength is this demon lord in?"

The black cat was currently laying on Zick's lap as he sat on the ceiling. The Garcia family's mansion ceiling was made of reddish tiles which looked expensive at first sight.

The mansion itself was very huge, covering an area of more than a kilometer.

"He is a being with demi-God level strength, many capable subordinates are guarding him too." Zick looked at the mansion's layout while speaking.

He was in a state of deep consideration.

'Both Levienel and the mythical beast agreed to form a contract with me while not knowing the strength of our enemy. I don't know what I should say about this....'

'Is it their pride, or do they not care about the consequences of dying....?' Thinking this, Zick suddenly realized.

'I see, so that's it. They both can die and revive back to life again which is not an ordinary ability at all. This causes their thought process to differ from others....'

Only a second had passed since Zick answered the black cat's question.

The black cat knew the strength wielded by the entity known as god, so it knew that even a demi-god would have the strength that surpasses its expectation.

The black cat didn't doubt Zick's words, it could tell that he was not lying through its skill.

"Right, do you know what this is?" Zick brought out a drop of ice essence from his space ring, holding it in front of the black cat's eyes.

"Hmm, it's been a while since I saw this thing. This drop of ice-cold liquid is an element manifestation that is only formed when certain conditions are met."

The black cat continues: "It's a waste though, only a monster can absorb this kind of thing. To humans and other creatures, it's useless, it can be harmful too."

Zick heard the cat intently before he spoke: "So what will happen when a monster takes this element manifestation for a very long time?"

"Of course, it should be okay as long as they don't take a large amount at once. Actually, they can gain sentience and have intelligence comparable to humans after using it for a long time." it seems like the black cat was very knowledgeable in this matter.

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Zick continued asking questions, he wanted to be sure that no harm would befall his body or soul while continuously using The snow essence.

But Zick had to stop seeing Levienel returning after ten minutes, she had already killed four heirs of the Garcia family. It was a murder carried out in broad daylight!

But no one was able either stop or could seek any justice for this act. Because in front of strength, the concept of sin and karma was just some shit fallen at the side of the road!

Without true strength, everything was meaningless in this world.

Zick got up: "You should go and attack the head of the Garcia family, I will take care of the other heir. Be sure to not implicate me in your attacks." He spoke like it was the most natural course of action.

"If you attack someone from the Garcia bloodline, I will have to retaliate..." The black cat spoke feeling this plan to not be appropriate.

"Hmm, what are you talking about? Of course, you can't harm me, instead, you will have to protect me. Did you forget the contract we made already?" Zick smiled at the black cat.

The mythical beast: "...."

Levienel: "...."

They were both left speechless hearing this, seeing this Zick could only shake his head: 'They are both just not considering and doubting a thing. I can tell the reason why Levienel is so inexperienced but the mythical beast is no better too...'

Zick put down the black cat in his hand: "Hmm, Calling 'you' doesn't seem right all the time. Don't you have a name or something?"

The black cat seems to have remembered something from hearing this, its blue reptilian eyes trembling: "...I don't have one, you can just call me whatever you like." there was a sense of melancholy in its voice.

Zick spoke with no hesitation: "Cat it is."

The cat: "...."

"Can you kill the head of the Garcia family without killing this thing?" Zick pointed at the cat and spoke to levienel.

"No problem." Levienel nodded to him with a blank face as always. But internally, Hearing the interchange between the cat and Zick, her mood lightened.

The black cat didn't retort as it knew that Levienel was many times stronger than her. Its strength was in the low-grandmaster strength at most, it was no match to her. After asking the direction where the other Garcia bloodline member was, Zick took out the cursed sword.

"I guess it's time to free you," Zick spoke to the cat while signaling Levienel to attack by nodding his head. At once both Levienel and the cat's figure blurred and vanished into thin air.

Zick started heading toward the direction Levienel pointed to. Within a second, a large explosion occurred, blowing the whole left side of the mansion.

"The cat won't have the time to protect the other Garcia bloodline like this.' Zick moved swiftly, reaching the opposite of the mansion where the fight was going on.

His movements were nimble, easily jumping across the mansion's ceiling. He reached the place where the Garcia family bloodline was in no time. No one was able to sense him as he hid his presence.

BANG! Another huge explosion occurred with black and gold power clashing with each other. Verse, the one and only master swordsman of the Garcia family also joined the battle by now.

The cat could not hold back as it would be breaking the contract if it did. A black figure jumped out of the broken mansion's ceiling along with Levienel. The black figure was a light lump of black mass, it started expanding at a rapid pace in the air.

A tail extended from its back before the paw started forming too. It slowly turned into a huge wolf with dense black mane-like fire in its neck. Dark energy rose from all over its body, making it look like a demon incarnate. Its size was more than a hundred meters! It had grown to an unbelievable level.

It was the black cat's real form that it didn't use for more than five hundred years.

ROAR! The huge wolf lifted its head and roared. The air vibrated along with the mana. Many lumps of black mass started flying toward the cat.

"Dark spirit..." Zick looked at the magnificent sight. The translucent lumps of black masses were nothing but many dark spirits that ranged from low to high rank.

At that instant a golden pillar headed towards the black wolf, it was very huge, more than 30 meters long. It directly aimed at the black wolf's head.


A black shield stopped the spear, causing a huge explosion that killed off the verse, who couldn't resist at all. Just the clash of their attack could cause the death of a master swordsman. It was a battle that humans couldn't participate in, it surpasses their limit to a large extent.

Zick retracted his gaze not looking anymore, the sight was beutiful and very attractive, but Zick didn't care about it and moved forward.

Lifting his black sword which was covered in a thin layer of black mana, Zick thrust it right below him, pointing the tip of the sword downwards.

BANG! The black mana blade directly aimed to split the head of the young woman below the ceiling.

The cat tried to protect this Garcia bloodline heir but Levienel appeared at the right moment and stopped the black magic.

With nothing stopping Zick's attack, the young woman was killed with her head split in two. She had no time to react at all.

Zick had held back by a lot after sensing the person below him to be just a low-rank mage, but it still caused a lot of damage to the ceiling wall. There was a small hole the size of a fist but cracks were starting to spread quickly.

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Jumping to a stable ceiling floor, Zick looked at the huge black wolf and Levienel who was right now fighting in the air.

'Why isn't she killing the Garcia family's head right away?' Zick thought feeling something amiss.

But it seems like Zick's worries were rootless, soon Levienel performed a huge move that created rope binding around the cat — immobilizing it at once.

With a wave of her hand, Levienel created a golden slice that landed on the place where the head of the Garcia family was. The attack was very huge, almost covering the whole sky.

The attack's impact even reached the place Zick was, causing the mansion to collapse.

Zick moved a little further away before stopping, he could see both Levienel and the cat stop fighting.

The golden ropes binding the cat vanished and they started heading toward him.

The huge wolf which was comparable to a mountain started shrinking visibly, turning into a normal black cat before reaching in front of Zick.

"I can feel it! The contract had been voided! At last! At last! I am free! Hahaha!!" The cat was flying around the mansion very energetically.

Seeing it this happy, Zick also clenched his fist: 'With this, I have recruited another strong entity in the group of meatshield.'

'With the biological, it would be perfect. For the others, I will have to put some effort into recruiting them and then let them grow to their limit too.'

Zick waved its hand towards the black cat, who flew towards him looking quite happy.

"What happened?"

"Do you know where the treasury of the Garcia family is? We can't leave behind such treasures for someone else right?" Zick said while looking right at the cat's eyes.

"Hehe, I like that idea. Doing evil things without restraint brings back many memories...."

Zick was shocked, hearing this he was flabbergasted: 'So it knew that it was doing something evil.'

Zick shook his head shortly, he smiled at the cat: "What are you saying? Evil thing? We are just taking what rightfully belongs to us! It is our right to take the things belonging to the enemy we slew!" His shamelessness reached an all-time high.

This time the cat was left speechless: "...I have been thinking about it for a while but...You really have become human trash haven't you?"

Zick didn't feel like playing any further, telling the cat to lead the way.