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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 1749
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After several questions, Wang Miao has already crossed the girl in his heart. Very proud,

but there is nothing to win the results, it is just ridiculous self righteous.

Then Wang Miao looked at Zhuang Wei and asked him a few professional questions, then

he was ready to rush out.

Zhuang Wei nodded, then coughed and said to the girl, "our marketing department is

responsible for the market research of the enterprise. Please tell me the method of market


Zhuang Wei snorted coldly and stood up, "she doesn't have that qualification, but I have!

No matter whether you leave or not, I can assure you that you will not want to work in the

medical room of any company in Longjiang city in the future. "

"Fire me, you're not qualified yet!" Chen Fei said coldly.

That girl at the moment also a pair of arrogant incomparable expression, looking at Chen

Fei, sneer: "how, worry about my talent into the company to rob your position? You can

rest assured that, with your present performance, I will immediately recommend

dismissing you after I enter the company. "

Zhuang Wei looked disdainful.

"You --" Zhuang Wei waved his hand and then said, "I won't talk nonsense to you. I'll ask

the security guard to come and take him away."

Xu Xiaoting did not make a sound, Chen Fei cold hum, a voice: "unfair things, I tube, so


"Eh?" Zhuang Wei immediately frowned and looked at Xu Xiaoting, "director Xu, this is my

business in the marketing department. When is it an outsider's turn to take charge?"

Chen Fei looks at Zhuang Wei coldly, glances at the girl again, and says coldly: "the

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company should not employ such people, let alone employ them with the position of

supervisor and 30000 yuan monthly salary."

Hearing this sound, several people's eyes all looked over. Zhuang Wei could not help

frowning and said, "Mr. Chen, what can I do for you?"

But at this time, Chen Fei said coldly, "wait a minute!"

The girl came forward with a proud face, took the pen, ready to sign.

"I understand that if there is no problem, I will be responsible!" Zhuang Wei agreed, then

took out the contract, waved to the girl, "you are hired, come and sign the contract!"

"This --" Wang Miao didn't expect Zhuang Wei to insist. He was stunned. He sighed and

said, "since you insist, manager Zhuang, I can employ her. However, if the follow-up

assessment fails to meet the standard, or if the senior management blames you, manager

Zhuang will -- "

but before she finishes speaking, Zhuang Wei directly interrupts her," director Wang,

professional content is better judged by our professional staff. I think this classmate is

very suitable, and I insist on employing her. "

"Manager Zhuang, I don't think she has --" Wang Miao wanted to say something.

Zhuang Wei coughed and said to Wang Miao, "director Wang, it seems that the salary of

30000 for a fresh student as a director is a little high. But this is also a talent. If we don't

employ him, it will be a huge loss to our company. "

The girl didn't think of the result. She was in a daze. Then she looked at manager Zhuang

and said, "manager Zhuang, I --"

"is that right? I'm afraid the company can't match your expectations. " Wang Miaoshen

said in a deep voice, and then looked at the girl, obviously in a hurry.

After Wang Miao finished, the girl immediately frowned and said in a voice, "don't forget,

I'm a graduate student from longjiang University of science and technology. With my

education background, I don't think it's too demanding to be a supervisor and get a

monthly salary of 30000 yuan. "

"In addition, the monthly salary of 30000 is already the salary of the deputy director level.

If you want to get this level of pay, I don't think what you just showed is enough. "

"If you don't have relevant working experience and want to be a supervisor as soon as you

enter the company, I'm afraid it's impossible."

Sure enough, not only Chen Fei and Xu Xiaoting think so. Wang Miao also can't help but

slightly frown, looking at the girl said: "this classmate, our company in principle, recruit

fresh students should start from the grassroots."

If she is strong and has any special contribution, it doesn't mean that she can't be paid

30000 yuan. But Chen Fei all the way down, in her body only saw pride and self righteous,

completely did not see any special ability.

In autumn, the group is a top company in Longjiang City, and the wages of its employees

are relatively high. But the girl's starting salary is 30000 yuan, and she also requires a

position in charge, which is far beyond the standard of new employees of the group in


Hearing this, Wang Miao could not help but put down his signature pen. Chen Fei and Xu

Xiaoting are also stunned.

"But I can ask some girls to join me. Of course, my requirements are not high. I hope that

after I enter the company, I can take charge of the position of course, starting with a

monthly salary of 30000 yuan, and other welfare aspects should also be corresponding - "

with that, he looks thirsty for talents and says to the girl," this classmate, would you like to

join the marketing department of our company? "

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At the moment, Zhuang Wei clapped his hand and said to Wang Miao, "sure. This is a

talent, a rare talent. Our company must not miss it. ""Maybe it's their professional

problem." Think of this, Chen Fei although doubt, but still did not say much.

"That is to say, there are several answers to the questions, and some people have

answered them correctly. Director Zhuang is not so excited! "

"Manager Zhuang seems very excited. Did the girl answer very well? How do I feel? The

first few are better! "

At the moment, Chen Fei and Xu Xiaoting also have some doubts. They look at each other

and whisper.

Wang Miao, who was still writing the marking pen, stopped and looked at Zhuang Wei with

a look of doubt. "You want this, are you sure?"

"Director Wang, from our marketing department, I'll take this." Zhuang Wei directly

announced the candidate on the spot.

As a result, Zhuang Wei's face became more and more excited. He even clapped his

hands, clapped and said with a smile, "yes, it's a good answer. I'm very satisfied."

The girl then answered one by one, which was fluent.

"Well, it's good, it's good!" Zhuang Wei listened, a very satisfied appearance, rare praise a

few, and then continue to ask.

"Well, it's too simple. Methods of observation, experiment, interview and questionnaire

The girl has a proud face.

"Boy, you've been banned!" Zhuang Wei said in a proud voice.

Hearing this, Chen Fei shook his head and said to Wang Miao, "is that right. Now,

immediately inform the personnel department, expel Zhuang Wei, and inform the whole

industry. "

"This -" Wang Miao was a little stunned and looked at Chen Fei in surprise, but Xu Xiaoting

explained a few words to her, which made Wang Miao's face change greatly and quickly

found out his mobile phone.